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seeds De seeding peppers

[background=rgb(240, 255, 255)]hey folks just a quick question.I bought some scotch bonnets from the store and i de seeded them.How do i dry the seeds and preserve them for planting them next year.[/background]
Leave them out on a bit of paper towel or something to dry. Once the are nice and dry, remove any bits of placenta that may be stuck on 'em, seal 'em in a snap baggie and keep 'em in a cool, dry place. Works for me.
And remember to wear rubber gloves while de-seeding. Scotch Bonnets will leave a nasty burn on your hands if you aren't careful.

I leave my seeds on a plain piece of printer paper for minimum 3 days, away from sunlight. Top shelf in the pantry or on top of a book case works good.

Then into little plastic baggies, and kept in a metal box in a closet or drawer.

I've had great success doing it this way, and my seeds germinate well afterward.
There is no particular need to get capsaicin or placenta off, just to make sure they are COMPLETELY dry before storing them away.

If you're doing a lot of seeds at once as I often am, you may find it more convenient to put them in plastic bowls in front of a fan... cuts down on the area you have to devote to it or the time it takes if they were bunched together without the supplemental airflow. It also gives the house a nice smell for a couple days which I love but some people may object to, you can also/instead put them in front of the fan intake instead of the exhaust and duct the exhaust out a window but you'll need a more powerful fan for the same drying speed.
I put mine in envelopes just white paper ones leave them open put in a dry place for a couple weeks to let them dry. Just write what they are on there and you are good to go. When I put in baggies always put a piece of paper in there with what is in the bag. Writing on the little plastic bag will wear off after a while.

Hi there,

I've spent an hour or two everyday for the last month going through this year's harvest, de-seeding. I typically can get through about two or three varieties in a day. Basically, this is taking friggin' forever. The smaller varieities (e.g. chile pequin) are the biggest pain in the ass. Does anybody have any tips or tricks to automating this? Are there any gadgets or machines to be aware of?
god i'm sick of seeding peppers...

You got that about exactly right!

I did a little searching, and I found a lot of pepper de-seeding machines, but they are for an entirely different scale of operations (i.e. they are measuring throughput in tons per hour.) Indispensible if you have a large farm, but not quite what I need. I also found a lot of seed cleaning machines -- great if the seeds are already mostly clean, but not so useful getting them out of the pods.

It's the worst of all possible worlds: a large number of individually small quantities of pods.

Going forward, this wet technique looked like it might be useful next year: http://goingtoseed.wordpress.com/2010/10/04/saving-pepper-seed/. If it could save me a few hours of de-seeding, it would be all worth it.