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seeds Dead Seeds??

chilehead70301 ...... the top 3 you listed can take longer .

Answer yourself on what Silver_Surfer asked. Any other seeds ? Did they dry out ? Now I'll add mine .... what's the temp ? Are they under dome or anything to help keep the humidity high? Did you water log your medium when you started your seeds ?

Most of my seeds sprout about the same time within 5 days or so of each other. I've had seeds take for ever ...... and I've had some do nothing . I try to keep things correct for germinating and let them go until I give up. About 2 months ..... I figure nada is going to grow after that long.

Peace & good luck ,
P. Dreadie
That's may 10th, right?

They are probably not dead if the answer to my Q is "Yes" and the answer to SS's second Q is "No".

How many seeds of each did you plant? What temperature have they been subjected to? (Mean, max, min)
Seriously suggest the baggie method, at least as a way of figuring out what is germinating and what is dead (keep one of each in a baggie + coffee filter and use them as "control subjects").
I had a Bhut that sprouted in 10 days. Datil also sprouted. Poblano also sprouted in about a week. The seed starting mix never dried out to the extent where it would fall out of the cup if turned over. I germinate all seeds on top of my freezer. Everything else I planted did sprout with the exception of these four. I only planted one seed to a cup. I have a piece of saran wrap that covers the top of the cups. the soil temp ranges between 79 and 85*.

I'm kinda leaning that these seeds were not good. I re-planted a choc hab and a alma paprika on 5/31 and the alma paprika sprouted over the weekend. the Choc had has not yet sprouted.
haven't had any of my habs sprout yet either. planted mine probably 2 weeks ago. still waiting for it to sprout. no reason to rush. but if it were to happen to me that it's taken nearly a month to sprout. I'd have thrown out the seed starting mix and get me a different one or make my own. but that's just me. but from what i've read, sometimes it takes 4-6 weeks for some seeds to sprout. so i'm guessing wait a couple more weeks. can't hurt. =D
Well, I decided to dig through the soil to take a look at the seeds. No sign of sprouting so I trashed them. I planted another choc hab about a week ago and it has not yet sprouted. If that one does not sprout, I wonder if any of the seeds are good. I have two bhuts which is the ones I really want to produce. next year I will go for more variety and get an earlier start. So for, this year has been a learning experience.
Was going thru pepper Gals paper catalog an found To Speed up Germination: soak seeds in potassium nitrate 4 hours or so.
most hot pepper seeds such as tepin, piquin, Habanero, Scoth Bonnets, Most most Mexican Chile and all wild varieties have a dormancy of up to two months if temperatures are under 85 degrees f. Attempting to keep seeds moist for this length of time is impossible as they will blacken and rot before they can germinate. Its in her catalog and on her web site. It works bought some about a month ago. Have sprouted all my seeds
in three to four days in a coffee filter inside of a baggie.including habs all color's rocoto yellow and orange I will also say it works. www.peppergal.com
Didn't you order from peppergal? My choc habs from there didn't do so hot either. Jiffy mix, coir pellets or coffee filter. Maybe ten percent success.
Just last week I had 4 Costa Rica Red Habs sprout after 27 days. This was in 2 coir pucks. 1st time it's taken that long and I have no idea. ;)
Justin= yes I order from pepper gal have before and will again great service 100% germination are you using a heat mat & thermostat I do set at 86 degree F germination at 99% set Baggies inside watch them grow. :onfire:
I too ordered from peppergal. If my choc habs do not sprout, I may try again and do it in a coffee filter or peat pellet. I've used the pellets before and every seed germinated.
Well, I decided to dig through the soil to take a look at the seeds. No sign of sprouting so I trashed them. I planted another choc hab about a week ago and it has not yet sprouted. If that one does not sprout, I wonder if any of the seeds are good. I have two bhuts which is the ones I really want to produce. next year I will go for more variety and get an earlier start. So for, this year has been a learning experience.

i wouldn't have trashed them.

i had the same thing happen on my first run at germinating ring of fire seeds (my temps were too low), so i threw all of my seeds + mix into other containers (i'm poor, sue me). basically everything that hadn't germinated, germinated in the span of 2 weeks after temps got acceptably warm outside. i was actually weeding out ring of fire seedlings that were sprout around my habs and basils (i salvaged 2 through ;-)).
I really think the seeds rotted. I will plant a few this afternoon in peat pellets and see what happens. Even if they do sprout, it will be getting into the end of the grow season, but i'll keep them inside and see what happens.
Not saying peppergal is a bad place to order from....I did and most of my seed did wonderful. I'm just saying that my chocolate habs from there didn't do so hot either. Out of 4 seeds in coco-coir I got 1 to germinate. Out of 20 or so in plastic baggies with moist coffee filters at a constant 82F, I think I got 3 to germinate.... 21%....little better than 10% I claimed. Everything else I had from her (except Big Jim, but I see from a different thread, a lot of suppliers had bad Big Jim seed), did great. I went 100% on the Caribbean Reds from her.
I ordered several other seeds from her and all sprouted except the choc hab and the naga. I know there will be seeds that are bad and it could be that I didn't water enough or over-watered. I don't think I did either but being my first year, i'm not sure. All my seeds sit on top of my freezer until they sprout. The soil temp probably gets to 85* max, but have not checked it recently. I may put the next batch in my garage where the temps will be above 90* during the day and bring them in at night.

At this point, I just want to see if I can get the choc hab and naga's to sprout.
I did a experiment with Hab seeds when you first posted about problems with choc hab I soaked 6 choc seeds for 6 hours in potassium nitrate put into baggie inside of coffee filter, set heat mat at 86 degrees, looked at them this morning 4 seed have sprouted. Thats 4 days on problem with her seeds.
I replanted two choc hab and two Naga bhuts on wednesday. I soaked one of each in chile focus and the other two in water. All soaked for two hours and planted in peat pellets. so far, everything I started in peat pellets have sprouted. maybe by the weekend, I'll have a sprout.

Hey Al, I think it was grower error as the reason my choc hab did not sprout. Either the temp was not high enough or not enough water. I have them on top of my freezer and covered with saran wrap. I have not checked the temps yey, but will tomorrow. I put them in my garage today for about two hours. The outside temps were around 93* and I will put them back out tomorrow to get some higher temps.