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Dealing with mosquitoes

Thanks to an overabundance of rain, and close plantings, trying to work in my garden is akin to visiting Hoxworth Blood Center and donating pint of blood, but with the added "benefit" of itching like heck. In ten minutes of trying to add another row of string to my Florida Weave, I think I was bitten about 60 times. :(

Not to fear - I am now covered with Deep Woods Off.

Just be thankful you don't deal with them 24/7/365. And, I always take my wife into our garden with me because they love my wife. :evil:
A beer or two seems to work for me as a repellent; taken internally of course. Heck, maybe even three.
We do have our low seasons though, which is a huge relief. Cheers.
you can try planting herbs that repel insects around your garden to keep them off your garden and you. =D

sage, thyme, rosemary, and lemon grass to name a few.

or you can plant citronella (which looks a hell of a lot like lemon grass, but it's not what it is)

Sounds gross but don't use shampoo or soaps(especially perfumed) if you're going to be working in the bush. I live and work in the middle of a mosquito infested forest and there's only so much you can really do besides wearing mosquito proof clothing and face nets.
Garlic and b-12 vitamins work somewhat by making your sweat stink. There are actually b12 patches being developed that double as a hang-over cure. Win-win! ;)
Sounds gross but don't use shampoo or soaps(especially perfumed) if you're going to be working in the bush. I live and work in the middle of a mosquito infested forest and there's only so much you can really do besides wearing mosquito proof clothing and face nets.
Garlic and b-12 vitamins work somewhat by making your sweat stink. There are actually b12 patches being developed that double as a hang-over cure. Win-win! ;)

Interesting you say that; I've noticed that when I shower and then ride my bicycle to our local shop for lunch, the fly's are far more bothersome. I've never been able to find a non-perfumed soap or shampoo here. Thai people are very sensitive to odors; much more so than westerners, so having a "good" smell is socially acceptable. "Bad" smells are repugnant to them. We're in the high season for both fly's and mosquitoes right now (rainy season).
Lucky us; we have both the tiger (daytime biting) and a smaller version (evening biting) mosquitoes here. But I'm lucky, neither bother me much, but they do try. My poor wife will come in with 10 bites and I'll have none.
Life is very interesting to say the least. Cheers.
There are a lot of different propane units to eliminate mosquitos and many use pheremones too.
Just don't ever use those bug zappers which attract mostly moths and non-pests which are attracted to light.
Yeah, that's the tiger mosquito; I've had dengue, best avoided if at all possible.


luckily haven't had it, hopefully i never will.

i get bit by mosquitoes here all the time during the day when i garden.
There is a killer product on the market called Bifen IT, it's the generic version of Talstar. It's AWESOME and will last 4-6 weeks. I use a hose end sprayer and hit all natural areas in your yard and on the top and underside of all leaves on bushes and trees. I even spray my fence down to form a barrier. Do not spray anything you want to eat. It's not food safe certified. It's a miracle worker!!!!!

The other night my next door neighbor invited me over for a beer and I got crushed when we were on his patio.
I have a secrete weapon for Skeeters. I keep a spray bottle of Listerine (The normal Gold colored kind) and spray a little in the air around me when I am working in Mosquito heavy areas. They hate it and will leave immediately. It also drops them instantly if you spray it on them directly.
I spray a little around the edges of my sliding glass door and they never gather there like they do if I don't spray it.

It also does crazy things to some types of ants, usually the smaller types. They get all twitchy and die from it. Some Wasps too, but not yellow Jackets. That was a painful experiment on my part.
I don't know what Listerine will do to any plants that it gets on, so I'd just be careful of that when you use it. I just watch where I am spraying it and have never had a problem.
similar things happen to flies when you spray soapy water on them. at first you think they're fine after getting sprayed on and then they walk the march of death and die after a few steps then fall on their side. real nice to watch specially when you hate them buggers. =D

discovered this when i was still running a car accessories shop here in my country. we installed window films and shampoo and water or soapy water are an integral part of the installation so i know this well. lol.