smoking Deer is good

Deer is good! deer is good!...and some. Ha, figured I'd post some pics of the 10 pointer I shot on Sunday in north east Ohio, and give everyone the opportunity to share their favorite venison recipes. Enjoy.


...and the one w/ the nice tree
Novacastrian said:

Pepperfreak said:
I think I deserve a point subtracted because of this. :lol:

Actually, dude should have a DOUBLE FAIL as he originally posted the thread this morning and then came back this afternoon and posted and either ignored this thread as he was aware of his FAIL or he thought he was successful in posting a pic for the thread but didn't bother answering responses, both of which are automatic FAILs.

PF that is a push at best to get a point removed. Ain't gonna' happen. Now if you were to come up with say a dish of cooked venison in place of the FAIL piccy's not posted...THAT would constituted a definite WIN and maybe even get 2 points removed off the meter.......(that's just how my loony toon mind works)
That was said with so much clarity TB that i think you deserve to have a point removed.

Meter adjustmant forthcoming, seeing as though the point has to go somewhere i will just tack it onto PF's tally, mmmmmmmkkkkkkkkk.
I know know that this whole meter thing is a bunch of BS. I did nothing, get a point. Moyboy insults Nova's cooking and gets off scotch free. I call for a recount! :rofl:
Fr0tran said:
Deer is good! deer is good!...and some. Ha, figured I'd post some pics of the 10 pointer I shot on Sunday in north east Ohio, and give everyone the opportunity to share their favorite venison recipes. Enjoy.


...and the one w/ the nice tree

so many recipes you can do with vension, just like beef.
I like to keep it simple for the best cuts
- sauteed in butter with fresh onions & garlic
- a grilling sauce - brown sugar,butter, worcestershire sauce - about even ammount (more brown sugar to keep from being all liquid), mix it & baste it.
- or just a couple seasonings thats it

Noshownate said:

funny pic!

paulky_2000 said:

I'd tee up on the middle buck! & hope to get a shot on the doe.