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hot-sauce DEFCON 1 extreme sauce?????

AlabamaJack said:
lets see, I've got....42 8 ounce jars of Fatalii puree....336 ounces, thats over 2.6 gallons sittin' on my shelf right now...that should make what, 8-10 gallons sauce?

I would think more like 15-20 gallons if it is used as an additive for flavor and not just the base. I am totally speculating, but I just add a tablespoon to his sauce and it gives it the fatalii flavor without messing with the sauce too much.
we'll see what creator says....hope he likes the idea....
Yea I had a toothpick of defcon 0 given to me by JayT

its hot

guy that tried it that was sitting next to me started crying
Mmmm Fatalii Defcon, sign me up!!!!, one more weapon to add to the mighty Defcon arsenal :D

maybe since you already got zero, you make new ones like code yellow and code red for the fatalii and other new stuff based on the homeland security threat levels :)
I like the idea, but the Zero shall stand alone as our extreme. I personally really like the flavor the Orange Habanero gives. I'm currently working with some Fatalii mash that our good friend Alabama Jack was kind enough to send me. The only problem I have is that the Fataliii kicks my *ss when it comes to peppers, so I have a few guinea pigs (friends) stop by from time to time to taste test my new creations. So far so good. Actually, we're getting ready to put our Deathmatch MK-III into full production (no Fataliis, just evil). In the testing stages, we've found that it tastes awesome on sushi and other fish. We will be doing some taste testing on it this weekend at the Peppers at the Beach in Delaware, so I look forward to some of the reviews of it.