event DEFCON Creator's "No Sleep Till Brooklyn" DEFCON Day, Saturday August 12th, 2006


Well, here we go again. The sun hasn’t even had a chance to completely set since the last DEFCON Day, and it’s already time for another one! This time we are changing the venue a bit, this time we’re hitting NYC, Brooklyn to be exact. The date for this shindig is Saturday, August 12th. This time it’s a chance for the night owls to come out, as we’re starting at 9pm until ???.

Duff’s is an interesting (to say the least) sort of place located at N. 3rd Street and Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211 (directions below). The owner of the establishment, Jimmy Duff, is a high school friend of mine. He previously co-owned The Bellevue Bar on 40th and 9th, and has had quite the following in the last few years. Jimmy is a trip, as is the place. It’s smaller than The Alley, so we won’t be doing the wing-eating competitions (as far as I know), but as always, there will be FREE DEFCON wings and raffles for a bunch of stuff.

To learn more about Duff’s, check out the website. As you’ll see, it is a very interesting place.


So come on down to this chapter of DEFCON Days. Different venue, interesting place, best wings in the nation! If you haven’t experienced a DEFCON Day, check out the website to see what you’ve missed so far:


If you are driving, here’s where it is:


If you are taking mass transit, here’s what to do:

Take the L Train to the Bedford Avenue Station at the corner of North 7th and Bedford Avenue. Walk 4 blocks south on Bedford Avenue to North 3rd Street. Turn right and walk 3 blocks to Duff's Brooklyn on the Southwest corner of North 3rd and Kent.​
thehotpepper.com said:
I'll try to make it!
Me too...when you have it in Los Angeles...
Well, about 48 hours until DEFCON invades Brooklyn. I do believe this evening will prove to be the most interesting in all of the DEFCON Days we've done so far. If you can make it, do, you're guaranteed a good, if not a bit riotous, time.
I wish i could fly up for it. I've got plenty of friends and kinfolk in the N.Y.C./N.J. area. But, alas, i haven't the cash for the plane fare...perhaps next year?
Not a problem, we'll be doing a ton of DEFCON Days in the future. Perhaps even one by you one day. Trust me, I want to expand the area, but with a regular 9-5 job, it ain't quite that easy.
Well, Brooklyn has been assimilated. For those that made it, I'm SURE you had a good time. 120+ pounds of wings ingested by the public, andthe only complaint was the fact many didn't wash their hands before going to the mens room, and we got home about 5:30am, a perfect night! I've posted a couple pic on our home page, and will be adding many more when I get a chance. This looks to be an annual event at Duff's, so I'll keep everyone posted for next year.
Dammit, I forgot! Keep us posted on all events, I'll be at one.