event DEFCON Day, Saturday 7/22/06, 1-6pm

Well folks, here we go again.

The next Defcon Day has been slated for Saturday, July 22nd, from 1-6pm. If you aren't familiar with the event it's quite simple. You show up and enjoy FREE Defcon wings all afternoon, drink specials, raffles and sauce giveaways, simple prospect actually. This one has a chance to be the best one yet. Our wing eating contest for the last won was a success. We have decided to make it even more interesting this time around. Instead of 1 wing eating match, there will be 3. The first, for the general public will be made from the Defense Condition #2 (medium) sauce, the next will be made from the Defense Condition #1 (hot) sauce, and the final one has been named "The Wing-Eating Deathmatch". It will be either 5 or 10 wings (I haven't decided yet) made from Defense Condition .5 (yes, point 5) sauce. It's a mixture of #1 and a pre-release of the upcoming ZERO Batch #3). The object is to ingest this relatively small amount of wings in 5 minutes. Sounds easy doesn't it?

Anyway, hope to see some of you guys there. It is once again being held at The Alley Bar & Grill, 428 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ. We will also have plenty of sauce available for purchase (save yourself the shipping charges).

Creator out.........
DEFCON Creator said:
made from Defense Condition .5 (yes, point 5) sauce. It's a mixture of #1 and a pre-release of the upcoming ZERO Batch #3).
:shocked: ;) ;)

I want I want I want!!!! lol. Man, I wish I could fly out to NJ just for this...
""The Wing-Eating Deathmatch". It will be either 5 or 10 wings "

Not sure why I feel this way, but I vote for 5 wings for this contest. :shocked:
I once ate a dozen wings covered in Condition 1, got a nice little endorphine rush from that experience. People at the bar kept asking me why I looked so happy, my response was "I've achieved Condition 1". Needless to say, I got some funny looks.
imaguitargod said:
I once ate a dozen wings covered in Condition 1, got a nice little endorphine rush from that experience. People at the bar kept asking me why I looked so happy, my response was "I've achieved Condition 1". Needless to say, I got some funny looks.

That's funny. Actually, at the last Defcon Day, Nick ate 52 #1 wings (albeit with a bit of spittle on the table afterwards), and Huvason came in at a respectible 49, if my memory is correct.
DEFCON Creator said:
That's funny. Actually, at the last Defcon Day, Nick ate 52 #1 wings (albeit with a bit of spittle on the table afterwards), and Huvason came in at a respectible 49, if my memory is correct.

First I'm shocked at anyone consuming that much of #1, second I am shocked at anyone being able to eat over 20 wings. Were they small wings or your standard Restraunt wings with a good amount of meat on them?
imaguitargod said:

First I'm shocked at anyone consuming that much of #1, second I am shocked at anyone being able to eat over 20 wings. Were they small wings or your standard Restraunt wings with a good amount of meat on them?

I'm with you guitargod. That's a whole lot of wings. I'm good for 20 if they are hot, but only 15 in they are really hot. Actually that's not that much meat, just good ole' fashioned work.
You are getting a rematch, this time it will be completely a timed event. WAIT until you see the prizes THIS time around. Can you say, "Supersize my Habby Horse?" And that's just the beginning.
How was the party, more specifically how was the wing contest? Any pics? Any casualties?

Got some great pics, just haven't had a chance to add them to the website. The Deatchmatch sauce (Defense Condition .5) was a hit, and most stated they never had wings that were so hot. I'm not planning on bottling the stuff, as I wouldn't want anyone to hurt themselves. The Defense Condition #1 competition was great as well, a guy downed 20 of them in 1:48 minutes, another record. We had 6 states of people present, which was great, as everyone got to put faces on the names they've talked to online for some time. These Defcon Days are getting more and more popular, if it wasn't for my regular 9-5 job, I'd be doing these things around the country.
DEFCON Creator said:
These Defcon Days are getting more and more popular, if it wasn't for my regular 9-5 job, I'd be doing these things around the country.

Make sure to visit Canada if you do go full time eh!

bubbaschili said:
just put my order in for defcon 3 2 and 1 looking forward to trying this.

Me too.