event Defcon SWEEPS the Wing Sauce at 2106 NYC Hot Sauce Expo, AGAIN!

Well, Defcon Sauces struck again at the 2016 NYC Hot Sauce Expo by SWEEPING the Screaming Mimi Awards for Wing Sauce for a SECOND year in a row. This year it was:
1st Place : Defense Condition #3 (mild)
2nd Place : The Curbstomp (our hottest)
3rd Place : Cluckwing Orange (our 2nd hottest)
I can honestly say, in the last 12 years we've been entering competitions, I don't ever remember a Wing Sauce category being swept 2 years in a row by a single company in any large-scale competition. Considering the Screaming Mimi Judges are of the highest caliber (Bon Appetit Magazine Editors, CIA-trained Chefs, Owners of some of the largest upscale restaurants in New York, Food Network Stars, etc.) to say we're happy is an understatement.
Looks like the target on my back just got a whole lot bigger.
I can't say I am surprised,but I am, this is the first time I remember Defcon 1 not getting an award.