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Defcon's Habby Horsey

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what to expect when I get my habby horsey sauce heat/flavor wise? My initial venture is going to probably be with shirmp because I usually add horseradish to coctail sauce to give it more kick, but I just want to know what I'm in for...I'm excited!:lol:
dreamtheatervt said:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what to expect when I get my habby horsey sauce heat/flavor wise? My initial venture is going to probably be with shirmp because I usually add horseradish to coctail sauce to give it more kick, but I just want to know what I'm in for...I'm excited!:lol:

Seems to me like it would be the Creator's usual pain and suffering.
Sickmont said:
Seems to me like it would be the Creator's usual pain and suffering.

Who Me? :lol:

The Habby Horse has a double kick. First the nasal from horseradish and then the dropkick of the throat. Cocktail sauce would be good, but I'd try it straight up first. Perhaps on prime rib, or if it "accidentally" fell into a Bloody Mary...

Just remember to throw it in the fridge after you open it. It's shelf stable until then.
DEFCON Creator said:
throw it in the fridge after you open it. It's shelf stable until then.
Unless your Uncle Buck built the shelf. If that's the case, the shelf won't be that stable. Uncle Buck tends to drink....alot. Plus he's not the best craftsmen. Once he whittled me a toy boat out of a larger toy boat I had. It was almost as good as the first one, except now it had bumpy whittle marks all over it. And no paint, because he had whittled off the paint.
imaguitargod said:
Unless your Uncle Buck built the shelf. If that's the case, the shelf won't be that stable. Uncle Buck tends to drink....alot. Plus he's not the best craftsmen. Once he whittled me a toy boat out of a larger toy boat I had. It was almost as good as the first one, except now it had bumpy whittle marks all over it. And no paint, because he had whittled off the paint.

Jon, you have to slow down on the thorozine.:lol:
DEFCON Creator said:
Jon, you have to slow down on the thorozine.:lol:

dreamtheatervt said:
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what to expect when I get my habby horsey sauce heat/flavor wise? My initial venture is going to probably be with shirmp because I usually add horseradish to coctail sauce to give it more kick, but I just want to know what I'm in for...I'm excited!:lol:

If you are a fan of Horse Radish and Habaneros you will love the Habby Horse. To be honest, I thought it was going to be hotter. Currently as the product sits it is perfect for my heat tolorence. It has the perfect ballance of heat and nasal scorch so as not to ruin the food you are putting it on. My jar is almost gone.