Defcon's Round 2 Superbowl video is UP! Need your vote!

I thank you all for the support. I honestly thought it went until Tuesday, oh well. This is just the 1st Round, there are 4. I have yet to hear if we made it to Round 2, but I haven't heard a thing about Round 1 yet. Once again, thank you all, you guys are awesome!
Well, I'm sitting here, kinda hangin' out. Checked the email, one it from Intuit. Not expecting anything but a 'thanks for playing', but to my amazement it states WE'VE MADE IT TO THE SECOND ROUND!!! I want to thank each and every one of you for voting, each one of you gave us an extra chance with every vote. Next step, gotta make a video for Facebook, STAY TUNED!!!! I gotta go wipe the tears from my eyes (for once, it's not because I failed to wear gloves).
Ok, I've looked over the rules. I will have to reread them to make sure, but they are requesting a 90-second video, describing your company, and a few other 'quests'. This video is to be put up on Facebook and voted on. The cutoff is October 13th. Looks like I gotta go round up a film crew, this should be fun! Thanks again for helping us get to this point. This round will narrow it down to 20 companies. If we aren't friends on Facebook yet, and you want to be, I can be found under "John Dilley".
Well, we had a Round Table meeting tonight (at the local watering hole), and we are focusing on a very specific theme. That being said, Maggie is currently in Montana, WAY outside any sort of cell/wifi reception. I refuse to make any hard decisions with her, and she doesn't return until midnight Sunday. I think the idea for the Facebook vid is very apropos, and something NONE of you will expect. The end of the competition (votes and all) is October 13th, so time is of the essence. I will just need a VERY good video editor. I will probably get on in the next day or so, so this is s a good thing. You will enjoy what we have to offer for our vid. Thanks again to ALL of you who are supporting us, I am always humbled by the support. Stay tuned!
Cannon, I don't know what to tell you man, Intuit wants us to make a Facebook vid. I will have a link on our site you can go through...If you voted before, there shouldn't be a reason you can't replicate your actions. :)
Well, after 2 nights of Drinker's Roundtable, we now have a vision for the Round 2 video. This is gonna be great! I would love to let a couple kittens out of the bag, but I can't. I will be burning the midnight oil all weekend. Maggie is still in Montana, and I want her to get an idea of this, but wifi or cell service is NON-EXISTENT where she is. She will be back 2am Sunday (hmmm, perhaps that would be Monday early morning). One hint, think Koyaaniqatsi, with a twist............
If it has twerking, it's a winner.