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Deformed leaves

Hi there

My Bishops Crown and Red Moruga plants are getting deformed leaves. At first (after searching similar threads) I thought it was lack of calcium so I gave them some dolomite lime, but 3 weeks later and they are still getting worse. I've had a few aphids on them and treated with pyrethrum, could that have harmed my plants? I haven't used any ferts yet. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Bishops Crown




What dose of Pyrethrum dose did you use on the plants? Is it one of those sprays that includes an oil?

Aphids can cause that type of deformity by damaging the young leaves as they develop.

A point about the dolomite lime to remember is the Calcium is not immediately available to the plant.
I will occasionally get a deformed leaf or two on one of my plants. Eventually they’re gone after their life cycle and the issue seems isolated to said leaves. Over time I inspect the deformed leaves and never find anything, so I haven’t a clue. I’ve chalked it up to a deformation from a lack of something but since the issue does not spread I’ve left it alone … if someone can tell me otherwise I’m all ears.

BTW the 3rd pic reminds me of a similar aphid damage one of my plants got last year. I use soap/pepper water to treat them and seems to work well for me.

I am no expert by any means by when I use calcium I also apply magnesium, I buy premixed calmag concentrate, 2 cal to 1 mag ratio. I give my plants a dose of diluted solution once every two weeks, and in between some mild neuts (diluted miracle grow). It makes sense what harry says that aphids can cause it as well, because I had the same thing happen to purple bhuts outdoors last summer. Sometimes it is hard to isolate it to that one thing that is causing it. My plants got a whiff of sprayed liquid weed killer (True Green application) by mistake, after that I got leaf curl and yellowing. It is really hard to say for sure when some species are affected and others aren't. Lots of fun, eh ?!

Rhody... :shocked:
as said before. it's either a calcium deficiency or pests. check for aphids. i get this all the time due to calcium deficiency. some ferts with bone meal should do the trick, though it takes a while for it to take. i haven't used calmag, because my jobe's organic fertilizer provides cal and mag and i don't want to overdo it.
What dose of Pyrethrum dose did you use on the plants? Is it one of those sprays that includes an oil?

Aphids can cause that type of deformity by damaging the young leaves as they develop.

A point about the dolomite lime to remember is the Calcium is not immediately available to the plant.

Thanks for the replies everyone :)

Yes, the pyrethrum is a premixed spray, Yates brand. I sprayed the aphids that I could see (they were all on young leaves near the top) then gave the whole plant a light mist in case I'd missed any.

I've noticed a few passion vine hoppers (fluffybums) in the garden lately as well, I imagine they could cause similar damage to aphids.

I guess I just need a little more patience to see if it is calcium deficiency :)

I will occasionally get a deformed leaf or two on one of my plants. Eventually they’re gone after their life cycle and the issue seems isolated to said leaves. Over time I inspect the deformed leaves and never find anything, so I haven’t a clue. I’ve chalked it up to a deformation from a lack of something but since the issue does not spread I’ve left it alone … if someone can tell me otherwise I’m all ears.

BTW the 3rd pic reminds me of a similar aphid damage one of my plants got last year. I use soap/pepper water to treat them and seems to work well for me.

I'll have to try the soap/pepper treatment (pyrethrum spray is expensive). I tried just soap/water on black aphids that were attacking my beans over the winter but they just kept coming back day after day. Maybe it is more effective on green aphids.


I am no expert by any means by when I use calcium I also apply magnesium, I buy premixed calmag concentrate, 2 cal to 1 mag ratio. I give my plants a dose of diluted solution once every two weeks, and in between some mild neuts (diluted miracle grow). It makes sense what harry says that aphids can cause it as well, because I had the same thing happen to purple bhuts outdoors last summer. Sometimes it is hard to isolate it to that one thing that is causing it. My plants got a whiff of sprayed liquid weed killer (True Green application) by mistake, after that I got leaf curl and yellowing. It is really hard to say for sure when some species are affected and others aren't. Lots of fun, eh ?!

Rhody... :shocked:

I spray with epsom salt once every 2 weeks so magnesium shouldn't be an issue. Looks like I'll just keep on how I am and be extra vigilant with pests.

as said before. it's either a calcium deficiency or pests. check for aphids. i get this all the time due to calcium deficiency. some ferts with bone meal should do the trick, though it takes a while for it to take. i haven't used calmag, because my jobe's organic fertilizer provides cal and mag and i don't want to overdo it.

I'll keep waiting to see if the dolomite lime takes care of it and carry on treating for pests in the meantime.

Thanks for the help everyone.
Looks like a combination of numerous things. A lot of these funky leaf threads lead to dolomite,calmag suggestions. Something locked that plant up initially. My goal is to always figure that out first before throwing anything at it. Preventive maintenance kinda. The soil in that second pic looks pretty heavy to me. I would suggest repotting it into some light soil.Aphids can do similar damage,but you would have to leave hundreds of them untreated to get that. That plant looks pretty small still and should be easy to inspect for bugs.
Can't say I ever had a calcium deficiency here in the swamp, our water is from a well and loaded full of minerals, along with MC every 30 days, H202, Epsom Salt every 2 weeks, Cedar Oil and soap spray once a week for the buggies, I guess I been lucky. I just cut back and isolate plants that show negativity.
Looks like a combination of numerous things. A lot of these funky leaf threads lead to dolomite,calmag suggestions. Something locked that plant up initially. My goal is to always figure that out first before throwing anything at it. Preventive maintenance kinda. The soil in that second pic looks pretty heavy to me. I would suggest repotting it into some light soil.Aphids can do similar damage,but you would have to leave hundreds of them untreated to get that. That plant looks pretty small still and should be easy to inspect for bugs.

Think you're right about it being a combination of things. My bishops crown seem to be getting better (possibly it was calcium deficiency and the lime is working). My morugas on the other hand, as soon as I get rid of one family of aphids another one moves in. They are easy to inspect and I do, but there seems to be a new set of aphids setting up camp every other day. I'm wondering if I should just cut them right back as most of the leaves are looking beyond repair now, then again they are only small and may not be able to cope with the stress.
