preservation Dehydrating over ripe pepper question.

HI fellow chili heads, 
So I've been waiting for my Yellow Scorpion plants to ripen out and they seem to be coming along now in full force. I noticed on one plant that they peppers are half yellow ripe and the bottoms are still unripe green but they are getting soft on top like an over ripe and a little wrinkly. 
I'm trying to figure out if I should pull them all off now and just dehydrate them partially ripe, leave them on fully ripen but they might be mushy or pull them and leave them in a bag to ripen ? 
Any suggestions are appreciated, they are being dried to grind into spices if that makes any difference. 
Thanks in advance
If it we're me I'd let them ripen. I never have luck pulling peppers and having them ripen off the plant-unless they already started to turn as yours are. That's just me though.

If you want to do them all at once just pop em in the freezer as they ripen and then thaw to dehydrate all at once.
I prefer fully ripe because of the enhanced flavor. Only thing that would influence my decision as to when to pick, is whether I have a frost coming.