drying Dehydrating peppers for powder, suggestions?

I usually smoke (or roast for a different flavour) first and then dehyrate.

Time on a dehydrator will vary from pepper to pepper, and also depending on the humidity in the room you choose (Note: my room of choice is the garage... my wife and her burning eyes and throat helped in that choice)

Depends on the dehyradtor unit as well... I bought a cheap one from BPS which suits my needs just fine. Breaking down the pepper before hand will change the time necessary too... I have had peppers ready for powdering in as few as 4 or 5 hrs, where others in the same batch were closer to 12 or 14 hrs.

I usually leave the seeds in there unless I'm saving them for replanting, in which case, they are romved before any smoking, roasting or drying.
As for the smoke, I like milder smokes like cheerry, apple, or (my favourite) pecan.

I typically do small amounts of various peppers and blend them, but have also done "single pepper" powders when I have enough of them.
Got bottles of pure single peppers, bottles of mixed pure peppers, and 1 batch of smoked pepper salt.

In all, the main ingredient is-------peppers.

Last batch was a 1/2 mixed SFRB put under the broiler till the skin started turning, 2 pans of apple wood in the smoker, a day in the dehydrator.
Equal parts powdered pepper and powdered salt, then mixed that 4 to 1 with regular table salt.

I leave the majority of the seeds in the pods.

Get loads of peppers. try anything you think of.