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Dehydrating question

Hello pepper heads,

A question to the masses with respect to hot pepper fumes.

I am dehydrating my Habaneros in a round, 5 level plastic unit with a little heater under it. The smell is wafting all over the house. Wonderful! But, here's the question, and it is a little scientific... If I can smell it, are there little droplets of pepper vapor being deposited everywhere too?
Hello pepper heads,

A question to the masses with respect to hot pepper fumes.

I am dehydrating my Habaneros in a round, 5 level plastic unit with a little heater under it. The smell is wafting all over the house. Wonderful! But, here's the question, and it is a little scientific... If I can smell it, are there little droplets of pepper vapor being deposited everywhere too?
Yes, but whats wrong with that? Its not covering things in capsasin, if thats what you mean.
simple solution, move it outside...I have been banned from my house when doing any kind of pepper processing...even deseeding...

I may have a different opinion that PG does...I know this, when I am cooking them down, the hand and arm I stir the bubbling liquid with burns...I know this is boiling a liquid, but dehydrating is similar...just not as large of an amount IMO...I love the smell, but if I dehydrate in a closed space, I can not breathe...causes me to cough a lot...so...something in the air must be causing this...is it the capsaicin?...I don't know...but something is definitely in the air that irritates my throat...
simple solution, move it outside...I have been banned from my house when doing any kind of pepper processing...even deseeding...

I may have a different opinion that PG does...I know this, when I am cooking them down, the hand and arm I stir the bubbling liquid with burns...I know this is boiling a liquid, but dehydrating is similar...just not as large of an amount IMO...I love the smell, but if I dehydrate in a closed space, I can not breathe...causes me to cough a lot...so...something in the air must be causing this...is it the capsaicin?...I don't know...but something is definitely in the air that irritates my throat...
I agree with you. But then again I don't go around licking things in my house to find out if things have been covered with it or not. Hell just cutting the things spray capsasin into the air like citrus juice/oils. My whole body burns when I cut up pounds of peppers for dehydrating. But the actual dehydrating never bothered me.
I've moved my dehydrator out to the garage, fumes are to irritating, I thought my Viking stove exhaust could handle it but no way, it's bad enough rinsing seeds in the sink, that's also pretty bad, but short lived, 24/7 with the drying process needs to be done elsewhere...no more inconvience for family and friends...just my thought
Personally, I love the smell of dehydrating peppers. The wife hasn't kicked me and my hot goodies out of the house yet but I'm sure the day is coming.
I've been banished to the garage for dehydration as well, i'm also limited as to how many times i can go in and out of the garge (attached to house), lol...kidding.....sort of..:)
I agree with you. But then again I don't go around licking things in my house to find out if things have been covered with it or not. Hell just cutting the things spray capsasin into the air like citrus juice/oils. My whole body burns when I cut up pounds of peppers for dehydrating. But the actual dehydrating never bothered me.

I love the smell of dehydrating peppers but it does get to my son and his buddies when they come over. Never thought about licking things inside the house though. May have to give that a try.