Hi pepper experts,
Newbie in pepper growing. I'm watching my plants producing more and more every day and I'm now starting to think about ways of preserving. I've read somewhere that the easiest way to prepare your pepper plants for drying is to simply cut the stem at ground level, then hang the entire plants upside down.
From what I understand, a cool, dry place would work. However, do I also need light or dark is fine? I was planning on hanging them in the basement right by the dehumidifier.
I know this technique is suppose to be a long process. Would it then be a faster if instead, I hang them the 'Ristra' way?
Thanks everyone for you precious advices!
Newbie in pepper growing. I'm watching my plants producing more and more every day and I'm now starting to think about ways of preserving. I've read somewhere that the easiest way to prepare your pepper plants for drying is to simply cut the stem at ground level, then hang the entire plants upside down.
From what I understand, a cool, dry place would work. However, do I also need light or dark is fine? I was planning on hanging them in the basement right by the dehumidifier.
I know this technique is suppose to be a long process. Would it then be a faster if instead, I hang them the 'Ristra' way?
Thanks everyone for you precious advices!