drying Dehydrating

Yes, dehydrating is just removing the water.
Glad to find this answer...
I would like to add a newbie question to this...
I have about 8 pounds of frozen cayenne and jalapeno peppers, from this year's harvest.    
What is a good way to dehydrate these, and how long will they keep once dehydrated?
Ive never dehydrated frozen pods but i dont see why not.
So these are 2 different animals when it comes to dehydrating. The jalapenos are much thicker fleshed and will take a lot longer.
You should split the jalapenos lengthwise before drying, the cayennes can dry well and fast intact but again ive never done frozen pods. frozen pods thaw a bit soft as the pod cells are ruptured in the freeze. Id recomend a good square nesco dehydrator and let others comment more.
and welcome aboard
I have a question about drying methods. Would freezing a pod and then leaving it in front of a pellet stove for a few hours dry it out well enough to be powdered? Need to make some choco scotches into powder and I don't wanna get a dehydrator.
cruzzfish said:
I have a question about drying methods. Would freezing a pod and then leaving it in front of a pellet stove for a few hours dry it out well enough to be powdered? Need to make some choco scotches into powder and I don't wanna get a dehydrator.
Your best bet would be the oven if you don't have a dehydrator.....................
A pod?  Just ONE?  pellet stove would probably work, but if you do a bunch of pods in front of the pellet stove it may fumigate the house....
(open up the pod for faster drying)