• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

DeNNiZ's Aint going out like that GLOG '16

Why i'm doing this again.. im not sure...as priorities get more complicated... and time is valuable to us all.. we start to eliminate  other priorities.  
For those that dont know.. ive been dealing with one of my most troublesome pest.. and its called ERIOPHYID MITES... (go google it.. lol).  for 3 years it was a ghost.. and soon became known to me as PEPPER AIDS as it just kept killing all my plants (2 yrs ago i went from 200 plants to 12)  call it mother natures way of limiting me to the amount of plants.. after taking SOIL and PEST management classes, the were able to find out it wasn't soil borne but rather on the plant... but now knowing what it is.. i am almost sure it is something that i can just get rid of and last year really allowed me to do my best and cohabitate with it.  i was able to retain more than 1/2 of my plants most of the season.( even though the harvest was slow).  
anyways.. enough nonsense  . its always fun to say at the start that we will limit ourselves to a few varieties.. some have succeeded .. but when youre part of an awesome community.. its hard to do that....with guys sending you their special cultivars and some that they recommend.. its hard to just say NO...

so on with the SHOW...
this past year i got in a Pepper group Fantasy football and im glad to say i won.. here are just one of the prizes i won

ive not stopped sowing seeds due to the possession of a few AEROGARDENs... 

it sure teaches you patience and to never give up...
So far here is what my list consist of
JMoA - Andrew Binks source (from MoA)-pure
Scotch bonnet (FB friend thomas)
P Dreadie Scotch bonnets (from Gary's seed collection)
Aji BananaA
Aji Fantasy
PDN- paintbrush (Chris P)
Pimenta Lisa f4 (meatfreak)
Scotch Brains F3 (meatfreak)
BBG Orange (meatfreak)
White Naga PDN- (Chris P)
Charapita peach (Chris P)
CP115- select (Chris P)
Pimenta Chris Fat Red F6 (Chris P)
Pimenta Lisa (dark leafe) (Chris P)
Bonda Mahala (Gary)
Primo - ( TroyP)
Cracked Jalapeno (seed train)
BLack Panther (ChiliRiot)
Hatch chili (sandia) - (midwestchiliheads.com)
BBG yellow (thepeppergeek)
Chocolate Brain Strain (thepeppergeek)
M.A. Wartyx (Matthew Arthur)
Obhea (Reaper X MoA)- Steve954
BBG7xPDN f2 (guthirzation)
Flower Biber (JohnFord)
 few more to be added
Banana Cream Tomato (meatfreak)
p20 x great white tomato (meatfreak)
Ruby indigo
Great White Tomato
Blue Beauty Tomato
Lucid Gem toamtoes (bakers creek)
Kiwano Melon regular and RUND (bakers creek)
Hmong Cucumber
Siamese Giant Cucumber
Potato Cucumber
Dragon Egg Cucumber
Huacatay Mint (peruvian mint)
here are some pf the Winter pods.. and other nonsense

Rhombodium... thanks PaulG  for reminding us that "every pod is a victory"

the cucumbers

tomato and Kiwano Rund

this guy is in the aero and looks like it may be a yellow BBG.. 

Volunteer Manzano

ruby indigo

the OW.. but due to my pest issues i might just toss them


Flower Biber

Obeah F2

Chris' seeds went in the soil last night

as did the hatch chilis

hydro Wartyx


the scotch bonnets and flower biber


Sawyer said:
Good to see you here, DeNNiZ.  Sounds like you've got the mites figured out; hopefully that'll be the last you see of them.  Good luck!
not exactly figured it out.. just learning how to deal with them.. like regular mites.. they are there to stay.. just gotta hold them down...
"Volunteer Manzano" - Lol, you're doing something right if Manzanos just volunteer for you.
"Monastery Gardens" - Do you have a link for them?
What is the... pepper dispenser? in the Saison ale pic above?  And what sort of Apple device is that up above, displaying the Rhombodium pod?
Nice selection of Hatch seeds.  I have the Heritage 6-4 and Big Jim and a few others I plan to grow this year.  The smell of those things roasting is intoxicating.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Why i'm doing this again.. im not sure...
 Hey there are a lot worse things we all could be doing. Growing things is pretty harmless :party:
Sawyer said:
Nice selection of Hatch seeds.  I have the Heritage 6-4 and Big Jim and a few others I plan to grow this year.  The smell of those things roasting is intoxicating.
I never me a NM variety I didn't like. I even like them fresh!
Glad to see you back on the forum, Denniz.  You have a full speed grow going all year long!
You are the king of the aerogarden for sure!  I think I'll put Grant Michael's Mystery Citrus in my
aerogarden just for fun even though I wasn't going to do any small pods this year
Do you have any rhomboidium seeds?  FreeportBum is looking for some, and I guess
I didn't save any last season, so I disappointed him.  I'm sure he'd like a PM if you do.
Kick those mites out of your yard this season, buddy.  I'm sure you have a good control
plan in place after your classes.
Good luck with your grow.  I see lots of crosses there.  Most I never hear of, but then I'm not a grower of super hots anymore.
I see you have Naranjilla.  Someone gave me some seeds, and told me the bee's go crazy over the flowers.  Have you grown it before?
OCD Chilehead said:
Looking good Denniz.

Wishing you a successful year. I'm going to be firing the Aerogardens up this week.

Thanks.. i have 4 but only have space for 2 inside.....i might fire up the two outside for salad... when its warmer...
tctenten said:
Everything looking good Denniz! Good luck the rest of the year.
thanks.. luck is always important.. especially in my scenario...  thanks again for the sauces...
Sawyer said:
"Volunteer Manzano" - Lol, you're doing something right if Manzanos just volunteer for you.
"Monastery Gardens" - Do you have a link for them?
What is the... pepper dispenser? in the Saison ale pic above?  And what sort of Apple device is that up above, displaying the Rhombodium pod?
Nice selection of Hatch seeds.  I have the Heritage 6-4 and Big Jim and a few others I plan to grow this year.  The smell of those things roasting is intoxicating.
hahaha the manzano grew out of no where in a pot with another.. funny thing is.. i havent even sown any manzano... really just confused as to where it came from .. my plants were far away from the point of growth... maybe i harvested a pod and it rotted in soil.. haha
monastery gardens.. http://www.ebay.com/itm/180-Huacatay-Seeds-Organic-Herb-Garden-Authentic-Peruvian-USA-Seller-Culinary-/281148977295
the pepper dispenser is a S&P grinder.. but i saw someone of FB post it.. and they put their powder in it.. great way to have better control of what goes in the meal
love my saisons.. and reds too. and thats what kids back in the days called mini ipods...lol..forgot the name
cant wait for the hatch chilis   never tasted roasted or fresh.. its more for my BOSS.. time to suck up.. lol
Chewi said:
 Hey there are a lot worse things we all could be doing. Growing things is pretty harmless :party:
I never me a NM variety I didn't like. I even like them fresh!
i did the sandia as you mentioned
PaulG said:
Glad to see you back on the forum, Denniz.  You have a full speed grow going all year long!
You are the king of the aerogarden for sure!  I think I'll put Grant Michael's Mystery Citrus in my
aerogarden just for fun even though I wasn't going to do any small pods this year
Do you have any rhomboidium seeds?  FreeportBum is looking for some, and I guess
I didn't save any last season, so I disappointed him.  I'm sure he'd like a PM if you do.
Kick those mites out of your yard this season, buddy.  I'm sure you have a good control
plan in place after your classes.
thanks...your quote is a true inspiration esp. with my bugs... im not the king.. thats more for guys like Christopher who has (6) or John Knoll has like (4)  
i have some hydro that i decided to just toss him some tangerine seeds.. one is growing now... and im planning on moving it to the aerogarden
im going to see if i can find the ones Chris or Nigel sent me.. i was gonna give him cuttings.. but i cannot allow anyone else to be infected with my bugs...  
as for the bugs i have a bit to fight them with... last year.. rather than spray.. i filled 5 gallon bucket and added water and mixed sulfur powder.. i then dipped the plants upside down for a couple minutes to ensure that the entire surface areas of the plants were treated...also sprayed the top soil...hopefully next year i can move into a new house and leave everything behind
JoeFish said:
Have you grown the lucid gem tomato before?
first time.. so learning and growing experience .. come by and check out updates
roper2008 said:
Good luck with your grow.  I see lots of crosses there.  Most I never hear of, but then I'm not a grower of super hots anymore.
I see you have Naranjilla.  Someone gave me some seeds, and told me the bee's go crazy over the flowers.  Have you grown it before?
lol  i think the PRIMO is the hottest of the bunch .. i too have walked away from the many super hots.. 
it is my first time growing the naranjilla.. lots of new things for us to grow.. 