Nate (and PeriPeri)- I just joined the site, but had seen this thread before while wandering the internet for info on Facing Heaven Peppers. I ordered 10 Facing Heaven seeds from The Chilli Pepper Company in the UK last year ( and 8 germinated out of the original 10. One died quickly, and due to some severe environmental conditions last year I only got peppers/seeds from 3 plants. One of them overwintered inside, but the peppers face down, not up. I have had one of those ripen so far this year, and there are many green peepers ripening now. The ripened pepper looks and tastes like the description for Facing Heaven, just doesn't point the right way. I am growing out more seed this year from my initial seed collected in 2012 (which should be pure as I grew no other peppers last year) and hope to get at least some that point up, but in the meantime I am looking for another seed source. I offered seed this year through the Seed Saver's Exchange (collected from all three plants), but if either of you could do the same maybe this pepper will finally get into distribution in the western hemisphere. The seed is flat out not available outside of the UK, as far as I can tell. Doesn't make any sense, as Sezchuan cooking is as popular in the US as well as the UK.
Thanks, Carolyn
Thanks, Carolyn