seeds-germination destroyed seeds

I have noticed that baccatum is not on the list... that's interesting considering it's one of the domesticated varieties.

the varieties not domesticated are also excluded - chacoense, eximium, galapagoense, lanceolatum, praetermissum, tovarii and the other less common ones.

gday RBB - I've had issues. my pc and I weren't talking. it's great to be back!
It takes two to smuggle by mail. You can always claim that you don't know why someone is sending the packet. It'd get destroyed, but if they trust your word, you won't get fined. Otherwise it'd be really easy to get sbd into trouble by sending him loads of illegal stuff.
the point is though - you don't need to smuggle to get pepper seeds into Oz, just write the details on the envelope and there's no problem.
Everything that has gotten to me in a box has been searched by customs & a lot ofe everything destroyed. one guy sent me a photo of his family & they destroyed it because the frame was wood. It honestly is down to just what kind of a day/week/life the customs officer is having when he opens it.

on the other hand I've had stuff sent by envelope, letter size to document size, that hasn't been checked & would have been destroyed if anyone looked along the way.