harvesting Devils tongue Harvest

I'm going to eat them all :) I don't think 11 a night is excessive. These ones are small ones though and I went overboard and tried 16 last night, I wish I hadn't because I couldn't taste most of my dinner. I'm getting the same amount in another 6 days. When you eat so many chillis though you just need more and more to get the same heat.
@Rainberry ...11 scotch bonnets you like it hot, you need to trade up to a big box of naga then you'd only need one pod per night, save you a fortune... lol.

I'll go dry some seeds for you Lucky.
:cool: what a great friend indeed.
I wish I could get just half of that from a dozen plants :(

beer in the morning, whats wrong with that ? (as long as its your day off) its happy hour somewhere & you wouldnt want to feel left out now would you :lol:
I have been outsourced my chillis to friends and family for about a year now, I got about 100 DevilsTongue and prik kee nu suan plants scattered across Brisbane the goldcoast and caboulture, Some grow well and you get buckets some die or some just kick along. when people get a bag of chillis they bring it to the shop I give them abottle of sauce or a free meal and everyone wins..
its like organised co-opretive barter system. if I get too much I freeze them down until I need them.
I wish I had the time and resources to grow hundreds of plants, and people love being involved.
none the less :cool: its great you have friends helping you grow the chiles for your hot sauces, & you give them something in return for helping you. like you said its a win win for everyone :cool:
bentalphanerd said:
ahh yes, truck-stop curry pie - the gift that keeps on giving. :lol:

Beer is never off, the sun just comes up way too early some days. I blame nature.

Beer is good anytime of the day.:lol:
Just made a batch of "Ol' Man Stillmanz Devil tongue jerk sauce" Got to say they are some hot dt pods. The sauce is magic hot but allowing all the flavours to take their place, lingering burn and a smell only someone who grows fatalii or devils tongue will understand.
Heat out of 10 ....8 ish but for flavour 10 out of 10.
Its the crown in my sauce range lol.
Hopefully bent and billyboy will do a review for me in the comming weeks.

Incidently my arms face and neck are all in the grips of some form of "hunan hand" lol. Gotta get a biggeer extractor in the kitcken it was like a fog of burning "lemonyness" in there lol.
rainbowberry said:
I'm going to eat them all :) I don't think 11 a night is excessive. These ones are small ones though and I went overboard and tried 16 last night, I wish I hadn't because I couldn't taste most of my dinner. I'm getting the same amount in another 6 days. When you eat so many chillis though you just need more and more to get the same heat.

You're hardcore!!! :hell:
stillmanz said:
Just made a batch of "Ol' Man Stillmanz Devil tongue jerk sauce" Got to say they are some hot dt pods. The sauce is magic hot but allowing all the flavours to take their place, lingering burn and a smell only someone who grows fatalii or devils tongue will understand.
Heat out of 10 ....8 ish but for flavour 10 out of 10.
Its the crown in my sauce range lol.
Hopefully bent and billyboy will do a review for me in the comming weeks.

Incidently my arms face and neck are all in the grips of some form of "hunan hand" lol. Gotta get a biggeer extractor in the kitcken it was like a fog of burning "lemonyness" in there lol.

Damns stillmanz I can smell it from here man. Awesome man.:!::mouthonfire:
stillmanz said:
Just made a batch of "Ol' Man Stillmanz Devil tongue jerk sauce" Got to say they are some hot dt pods. The sauce is magic hot but allowing all the flavours to take their place, lingering burn and a smell only someone who grows fatalii or devils tongue will understand.
Heat out of 10 ....8 ish but for flavour 10 out of 10.
Its the crown in my sauce range lol.
Hopefully bent and billyboy will do a review for me in the comming weeks.

Put your orders in for this stuff people. Stillmanz jerk sauce is always unbelievably good & travels out the door fast. I've been hanging out for another fix myself for about 4 months.