stickman said:
Actually, I think you could transplant outside the end of February with the IRT and low row cover if the weather co-operates like it did this year and if your schedule agrees.
I'm in total agreement and that's the plan for next year. I might even shoot for February 15th with the Annuum's, I ran short on time this season early on. That's not going to happen next year. I intend on designing some sort of easy to assemble/disassemble row cover system.
The IRT impressed me this season. I never did measure the soil temps, but really didn't need to. I could feel the soil temp differences when I planted.
So I've been off 9 days with spring break. Stayed home and got a ton of work done. Going back to work tomorrow to rest

. I never get caught up around here but we made a huge dent. LB was out there with me pretty much every day. She raked leaves while I doing heavier chores. She also helped with the mulching project we started.
Here's a few pics..
This was operation "white stuff brown stuff". I scarfed a bunch of white shredded paper and put a layer of that down, LB did the brown stuff. I had already shredded a bunch of the leaves she raked; and she used them until they ran out and then started using last years mulch score from the county. I had about 12-15 yards left, half is gone.
I shredded some more leaves and we got this done this morning.
By the time the season is over the shredded paper will be gone, more mulch will have been added. And it will be tilled in.
Current pepper layout:
All rows start from the North and run west to east.
Hugel bed:
Gochu - Urfa - Urfa - Kurts - Kurts - Pobs - Pobs - Pobs - Nardello - Nardello
Middle row: Gochu.....................................Nardello
Jalamundo - Jalamundo - Billy Biker - Large Orange Thai - Purple Jal - Pobs - Jalamundo -Billy Biker - Large Orange Thai
MoA - MoA - MoA - Tigermamp - Bahamian Goat - Aji Limo
MoA - Reaper - JA Hab - JA Hab - White Bhut - BOC - Aji Dulce - Jig Hab - Scotch Brain - JA Hab
Aji Amarillo - Aji Dulce - Billy Biker - Jalapeno - Jalapeno - Jalapeno - Piment D'Espelette - Piment D'Espelette.
Kurtovska Kapijas pods!
Gochu pods too!
Aji Oro pods!
Aji Largo pods!
I'm really excited about the Pubes podding up
Just love this Tigermamp!
B-Goat forkage
Well that's ten. Work tomorrow....Ugg!