stickman said:
Yikes! I hate it when critters overrun the perimeter... Good thing you found a biodegradeable counter for them.
How close are you to ripe Chinense pods Scott?
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Not near as close as I'd like to be
The only true performer this year has been the JA Hab.
The JA plants aren't what I would consider loaded, but I have enough of them to fill my needs. The rest: B.O.C, P. Dreadie, ScotchBrain, NagaBrain, White Bhut, B-goat, and MoA have flowers. And may even have pods...I'm not worried, I still have close to 90 days if the weather holds. They had a rough summer, then 2 bouts of 6" rain falls..time will tell. But I'm not expecting much
Now this Large Orange Thai has been a real producer, and I think I have the Leaf Footed Hoppers under control. I check for them daily now. I'm having a bit of a hard time figuring out why this plant is doing so well and others are not. I haven't fed it in quite awhile either. And yeah, that fence is 6' tall, the bed 5' wide. The trunk is larger around than a golf ball, just a crazy plant.
This one is the growdown plant. From ground level to the top is over 6.6"s tall. Pod production has really just started now that the weather is better suited to production. It's fairly loaded and still flowering like crazy.
I figured out, this one is a Mini Red Rocoto. I got a few pods from it this spring and here it goes giving me a few more. Also it continues to flower.
Cool front in the morning, temps are slated in the low to mid 80's for next week and should stay there.
I have this feeling that once again I will be starting seeds while the garden still has plants in it again...LOL
Soil test samples go out Monday, after this dismal season I need to know where the dirt is.