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Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
stickman said:
I have to thank you for your suggestion!
You made me check this morning, a few plants have some eggs on them, on the underside of the leaves. Brought a leaf to work and showed it to several science teachers on two campuses, no one knew what they were, under a microscope you can see they're eggs. One teacher who's retired and happens to own a ranch around the corner is an Entomoligist, has a doctorate in the field. His wife still works with us, and I gave her the leaf. Hopefully I'll find out tomorrow what they are. Can't be good. Everything outside, watered and I sprayed sulfur spray on the affected plants. I forgot about one I treated last week, it's clean. Never saw any bugs, just the eggs...I have a couple of hunches, whiteflies or spider mites, hope I'm wrong. No plant damage, or adults seen..
If it was timely, I'm glad I put a bug in your ear...  it's less of an issue here for obvious reasons, but I gather much more so down your way. Are you thinking about companion plantings to attract friendlies when you plant out?
I plant everything March 1st but the peppers, they go in March 15th if the 10 day forecast looks good. Even then we risk frost some years. But they have to hit the dirt as soon as I can get them out there so the do something before the 100° weather hits.
If you use the black plastic mulch and a low row cover over it, I don't see why you couldn't plant the chiles out on March 1st too.  Once things warm up enough, you could lose the low row cover, and when it really begins to heat up in June you could cover the black plastic with a more reflective mulch like shredded white paper to cool the soil down. When the weather cool down again later on, you could remove the shredded paper to expose the black plastic again and extend the season by warming the soil with sunlight until it frosts. Just some things to think about... ;)
Hi Rick,
Yes, I intend to plant some more companion plant again this year, but more than just the marigolds. I did some bookmarking and need to read up! One needs every advantage here. In reading up today I found that growing inside crowded on a bench is a recipe for infestation. Funny how they find their way into ones home. And yes the "bug" (ha pun) was timely, had they hatched I'm sure it would be a real mess. Thanks again!
Good ideas for the row cover and the mulch! I know I read about that this spring in your glog, and I need to purchase the materials and experiment prior to plant out to learn how the temps run inside a row cover. The temps here are so unpredictable. It was mid to high 20's the last few days (AM temps) and tomorrows AM temps are supposed to be 55°, with a high of 75°. Then back cold again. never know around here!
Thanks again for the info reminders Rick!
Devv said:
Hi Rick,
Yes, I intend to plant some more companion plant again this year, but more than just the marigolds. I did some bookmarking and need to read up! One needs every advantage here. In reading up today I found that growing inside crowded on a bench is a recipe for infestation. Funny how they find their way into ones home. And yes the "bug" (ha pun) was timely, had they hatched I'm sure it would be a real mess. Thanks again!
Good ideas for the row cover and the mulch! I know I read about that this spring in your glog, and I need to purchase the materials and experiment prior to plant out to learn how the temps run inside a row cover. The temps here are so unpredictable. It was mid to high 20's the last few days (AM temps) and tomorrows AM temps are supposed to be 55°, with a high of 75°. Then back cold again. never know around here!
Thanks again for the info reminders Rick!
I had some luck with a garlic perimeter around my kale/broccoli during the Fall season around here. The cabbage worms were very bad this year thanks to the mild winter, but the garlic kind of made a perimeter. Still had to spray with Bt but I tell myself the garlic helped. Anyway, need garlic for salsa and sauces, so its not a waste. That reminds me, got the pull that up soon!.
meatfreak said:
Best of luck with the 2014 season, by the look of your seedlings your off to a great start, Scot!!
Thanks Stefan!
Looking forward to getting these young ladies in the dirt!
maximumcapsicum said:
I had some luck with a garlic perimeter around my kale/broccoli during the Fall season around here. The cabbage worms were very bad this year thanks to the mild winter, but the garlic kind of made a perimeter. Still had to spray with Bt but I tell myself the garlic helped. Anyway, need garlic for salsa and sauces, so its not a waste. That reminds me, got the pull that up soon!.
I always plant garlic, got them out there growing now ;)
Spicegeist said:
I know.  I really thought I had it down 100% this year, but when I noticed my little slip up I just had to laugh.  This is how we get better though isn't it... all these little mistakes add up to improve our growing technique.
Well I am going to do it just a little bit different next year, a separate spreadsheet for each tray. I get crossed eyed looking at 3x72 entries..
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great Scott! Really nice seedlings and you got some of the varieties that I am growing this year, so I can't wait to see how mine compare!
Thanks Matt!
I'm hoping for things to go well this season, I put a ton of prep into the dirt, plants started early and fingers crossed!
It's been warm the last two days, the young ladies are outside until Saturday when a cold front is supposed to roll in.
Here's a group shot, I have another table in the shop that needs to be moved out. This ones full.

Transplanted a few, and they're looking happy.

They were close but not root bound..

Friday eve, can't beat that!
Woot dem little girls look great, sad to read about the eggs but lucky you caught them now rather than later. I've been checking mine all along and been fighting the bugs off once a week with neem and rubbing off the eggs with my fingers. Unfortunately bugs are a year round thing here :/
Great sharp pictures of dem babies, love how you used the white back drop. Your off to a super start and I have no doubt that your early start with the supers will pay off big time, now what to do with all dat heat, hehe.
I wish you and LB an awesome Christmas and happy new year \o/
Hab a great weekend mon!
Scott your plants look great ! What a fantastic start, not a bad leaf in the bunch. I like to look at the different varieties, leaf colors and shapes......not all .   C. chinense  the same. 
:lol: ..I've seen all kinds of garden art, wheel barrels, old painted tires, wrought iron decor.......but I've never seen a bicycle seat  plant stand before..... :party:
Just kiddin,  I'm always using something to prop up individual plants to be photographed. ....some of my bigger pots have sat on a backless bar stool.....right next to me..ahaha. Actually , It's easier on one's back to shoot the photos at camera level.
I'm looking forward to following this glog, this will be moving at a fast pace......I can tell.....you're ahead of last season, the garden will be spectacular!
Happy Holidays to you and your family !
stickman said:
Really nice looking root hairs on that ball Scott... I see the young ladies are really happy. :party:
Thanks Rick,
So far so good, the Entomologist friend said the "eggs" are not eggs, no bugs. So maybe edema?
Jeff H said:
I'm tempted to be jealous that you have plants outside in December to catch some daytime light, but then again, I don't want your summer heat. 
Everything is looking great. 
Thanks Jeff,
It IS a trade off, and I don't care for the 90 day heat wave. But I was raised in NY, and have lived in Va., it was actually colder in Va., a 6 month winter. SO for now I'll take the heat:)
meatfreak said:
Yeah, Scott you're taking really good care of the ladies :D Great job!
Thanks Stefan,
I just have to keep them safe for 10 or 11 weeks. Then they hit dirt and run with it.  I think the hardest part is getting them started.
maximumcapsicum said:
Amazing looking plants. Great job Devv!
Thanks Max!
WalkGood said:
Woot dem little girls look great, sad to read about the eggs but lucky you caught them now rather than later. I've been checking mine all along and been fighting the bugs off once a week with neem and rubbing off the eggs with my fingers. Unfortunately bugs are a year round thing here :/
Great sharp pictures of dem babies, love how you used the white back drop. Your off to a super start and I have no doubt that your early start with the supers will pay off big time, now what to do with all dat heat, hehe.
I wish you and LB an awesome Christmas and happy new year \o/
Hab a great weekend mon!
Hi Ramon,
I brought a leaf in and had a retired science teacher look at it, he has a doctorate in Entomology. He said it's not eggs, which makes me happy. I will be watching for sure.
Thanks for the kudos, one thing I want to do this year is take better pics, and not rush.
The heat? Well I'll spread it around. I have a few bugging me for plants, so a few go there.
Enjoy Christmas, the family and have a great weekend!
PIC 1 said:
Scott your plants look great ! What a fantastic start, not a bad leaf in the bunch. I like to look at the different varieties, leaf colors and shapes......not all .   C. chinense  the same. 
:lol: ..I've seen all kinds of garden art, wheel barrels, old painted tires, wrought iron decor.......but I've never seen a bicycle seat  plant stand before..... :party:
Just kiddin,  I'm always using something to prop up individual plants to be photographed. ....some of my bigger pots have sat on a backless bar stool.....right next to me..ahaha. Actually , It's easier on one's back to shoot the photos at camera level.
I'm looking forward to following this glog, this will be moving at a fast pace......I can tell.....you're ahead of last season, the garden will be spectacular!
Happy Holidays to you and your family !
Thanks Greg!
Yeah I took a few in the extra room, wanted a pastel back ground so I set them on the excercise seat ;)  Gotta use what's there right?
I hope everything stays on tack, I'm really hoping for the early pods this year.
Enjoy the holidays!
maximumcapsicum said:
Since I'm making the rounds again, I have to ask, what kind of mix are you using in your containers? Amazing how fresh and healthy the roots look.
Thanks Adam,
Believe it or not, just the jiffy pellets, and then once the stand up, I pot them in a cup or pot using miracle grow green bag potting soil, I remove the mesh from the pellets. I haven't hit them with any ferts as yet. Haven't seen the need. I try to water them as little as needed, without letting them wilt. I just brought them inside, cold front and possible rain (yeah right rain here?) coming. I watered them this AM and am worried, cuz they're too wet for my liking. I have two box fans and the ceiling fan running. Hoping that will do the trick.
Thanks for stopping by!
PaulG said:
Stunning grow you have underway, there, Scott -
the transplants look great!  Good on ya!
Thanks Paul, or should I say AeroPaul? ;)
Been lucky so far, still struggling with the Annuum's, they just won't pop! So I added two more seeds per pellet Sunday. Probably cold up your way, it's coming here tomorrow :rolleyes:
Thanks for stopping by!
Jamison said:
Soooo green! Just checkin in and wish you and the fam a Merry Christmas!
Back atcha Brother!
I'm stoked you're gonna be with your loved ones very soon!
Be careful on your trip and I know some making up for lost time is on the menu ;)
Have Very safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Devv said:
Thanks Adam,
Believe it or not, just the jiffy pellets, and then once the stand up, I pot them in a cup or pot using miracle grow green bag potting soil, I remove the mesh from the pellets. I haven't hit them with any ferts as yet. Haven't seen the need. I try to water them as little as needed, without letting them wilt. I just brought them inside, cold front and possible rain (yeah right rain here?) coming. I watered them this AM and am worried, cuz they're too wet for my liking. I have two box fans and the ceiling fan running. Hoping that will do the trick.
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Paul, or should I say AeroPaul? ;)
Been lucky so far, still struggling with the Annuum's, they just won't pop! So I added two more seeds per pellet Sunday. Probably cold up your way, it's coming here tomorrow :rolleyes:
Thanks for stopping by!
Out of curiosity, what do you look for to fertilize? Stopped or slowed growth? Changes in leave?