DF Kratky Experiment Glog

I got no idea what I'm looking at, but it don't look good - at all.
Man DF.  You're getting a lot of hassles right now.  Hope things settle down.
That looks a lot like intumescences to me, but just a light case, though it's hard to be sure. The patterning along the veins definitely fits the profile.
Yup, thats what it is, Thanks!
Funny thing, it says the lack of UV can be a cause, funny thing is im working on a 36W 400nm UV lights right now.
"Many greenhouse glazing materials block ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths of light. For example, all greenhouse poly includes a UV-block additive to slow degradation and extend its useful life. Thus, the lack of UV transmission may be the missing link in explaining what causes intumescence development."