Diagnosis Needed

What is this again?  I think maybe over watering, but I dunno.  No ferts burn that I am aware of.  I do use Tomato Tone diluted and epsom salts but the issue didn't seem to be associated with a recent fert application.  Been hot here, relatively speaking, hate to say compared to the rest of the US, but 80+ degrees with equal humidity.  Burn from water droplets?  These get an afternoon and setting sun.  Otherwise, healthy Biker Billy Japs.  Not prolific in any way but I have gotten close to 50 peppers from the three plants, with more ripening and flowers setting.
thanks in advance!
That looks like leaf miner damage to me. The tracks throughout are a parasite that is place there by a fly and it burrows thru the leaf eating till its mature.
My 2cp
Definitely leaf miners.Pull off those leaves and get rid of them quick.I like to burn them population control.