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DIbs Grow

Hello all,

Planted these seeds on December 29th 2010. I only have 6 plants, I figured since this is my first grow ill start small and not overwhelm myself like I always do with a new hobby. These are my 4 biggest plants, the other 2 are still small as they popped a little later.

Left to right there are 2x Yellow 7 pod, Douglah, Barrackpore 7 Pod. If you look good enough, on the 2nd Yellow 7, one leaf is kinda curled, is this due to calcium deficiency? I used the wonderful search function and thats all I could really come up with. I put crushed egg shell on top of all of them just in case. Also, they are currently in some off brand potting soil I found in the garage, all I had atm :( . Right after I took the pics I gave them a shot of epsom salt for the first time, so well have us a little before and after to check out :)


Yellow 7 Pod


Barrackpore 7 Pod, also has some leaf curling.

My apologies if the pic quiality is horrible, I have to use my phone to take them. Also couldnt get the pics of second Yellow7 to send. Well any comments would be appreciated :)
Hay Dibs.

"""""Well any comments would be appreciated :) """"

I think you should through them out and start over! LOL

NO acuallly they look very nice, maybe a little pale, could be just the camera.

Have you feed the little monsters yet? the epsom will help!

Nice job, Cheers, SC
Thanks SC! They are indeed a little pale, compared to some others I have seen on here. The only fert I have on hand right now is lawn fert wich is like 36-6-6. Would that high of nitrogen not be good? I havent used it on them, and plan on goin and getting something better in the next week.
Don't use that one! Just go by your local HD or Lowes and get the MG tomato ferts. Is less than $6 out the door. I plant my chilis in the ground and that's the only food I ever give them except some Epsom every so often. That's the cheapest, easiest food I've found.
Don't use that one! Just go by your local HD or Lowes and get the MG tomato ferts. Is less than $6 out the door. I plant my chilis in the ground and that's the only food I ever give them except some Epsom every so often. That's the cheapest, easiest food I've found.
Lol thanks a bunch, I didnt plan on using it, was just another thing I found in the garage haha. Thanks for the suggestion.
No, No, No,

They can wait, you will need some starter fert, the guys here will point you in the right direction of what and how much,

Never mind I see woody got to you first, good advise.

You want ferts with low N for your peppers, and I'm feeding my seedlings with the MG right now. Make it not stronger than half strength, possibly even just a 1/4.

The MG will come with a green scoop (ones .5 ts the other 1.5 TS I think) in it for portioning. I use a 2L bottle and bottom feed my 72 cell tray. For a 2L use one SMALL scoop and filler up with water. Comes to app. 2/5ths a full strength dose.

I was just watering till Saturday when they got their first nuts. They have almost doubled size in two days =) go babies go!!!
You want ferts with low N for your peppers, and I'm feeding my seedlings with the MG right now. Make it not stronger than half strength, possibly even just a 1/4.

The MG will come with a green scoop (ones .5 ts the other 1.5 TS I think) in it for portioning. I use a 2L bottle and bottom feed my 72 cell tray. For a 2L use one SMALL scoop and filler up with water. Comes to app. 2/5ths a full strength dose.

I was just watering till Saturday when they got their first nuts. They have almost doubled size in two days =) go babies go!!!

Wow thanks, ill def try that out then. Seems like they really need it, cause theve been growing rather slow, and they usually get full sun for 7-8 hours then another 8 hours of crappy flouro lol. Do you think that leaf curling is from clacium deficiency? If you can even see it in the pic lol.
I couldn't tell you to be honest, the "experts" who can tell you all the ins and outs will be around in the morning. What I can say is that I believe sometimes we get way too over-anxious about anything that doesn't look perfect. Remember that these plants grow outside in the big bad wild and do just fine. Just as some parents freak because their kid skins a knee or bumps their chin, we can freak because one seedling looks different. I have a hab that for some reason is bent 90 deg just below the first leaves. It's growing fine and that lil booger is my favorite so far =)

I say you are fine and they look great. If there is anything to the curling, it won't be a big issue. Enjoy the experience, you are in great hands with the guys/gals on here!
make sure you give them beer cups some drainage holes
i cut three in each of mine at 120°
they can also be used to bottom water :dance:
NO acuallly they look very nice, maybe a little pale, could be just the camera.

Are you giving them heaps of light? I find that mine always go a little pale if I don't absolutely pump them with light in the earlier stages. They are quite stocky though (certainly not leggy!) so I will assume they are at least getting sufficient light.

As others have suggested, hit 'em with some nutes and see what happens. Just make sure it's a very weak dose or you might end up burning them! Mixing the dose too weak is always better than mixing it too strong. ;)
they usually get full sun for 7-8 hours then another 8 hours of crappy flouro lol.
Oh wait, I didn't see that. :lol:

I'm certainly no expert but that seems rather sufficient.

Taking into consideration that they are in containers, maybe the heat of the sun might be affecting them. Some of my adult plants went very pale for a bit there and I could only put it down to the intense hot sun I was getting at the time. Maybe someone could verify this for me but I am guessing that the heat of the soil was affecting nutrient uptake. Just a theory based on the fact that once the sun settled down, my plants started turning green again.
I couldn't tell you to be honest, the "experts" who can tell you all the ins and outs will be around in the morning. What I can say is that I believe sometimes we get way too over-anxious about anything that doesn't look perfect. Remember that these plants grow outside in the big bad wild and do just fine. Just as some parents freak because their kid skins a knee or bumps their chin, we can freak because one seedling looks different. I have a hab that for some reason is bent 90 deg just below the first leaves. It's growing fine and that lil booger is my favorite so far =)

I say you are fine and they look great. If there is anything to the curling, it won't be a big issue. Enjoy the experience, you are in great hands with the guys/gals on here!

Great advice woody3says, your right about less is more usually lol.

make sure you give them beer cups some drainage holes
i cut three in each of mine at 120°
they can also be used to bottom water :dance:

Thats one thing i did remember to do, thanks :).

Oh wait, I didn't see that. :lol:

I'm certainly no expert but that seems rather sufficient.

Taking into consideration that they are in containers, maybe the heat of the sun might be affecting them. Some of my adult plants went very pale for a bit there and I could only put it down to the intense hot sun I was getting at the time. Maybe someone could verify this for me but I am guessing that the heat of the soil was affecting nutrient uptake. Just a theory based on the fact that once the sun settled down, my plants started turning green again.

That could be a possibility, it does get warm when i have them inside. They are in a aquarium facing a south window to keep my cats from getting to them :).... I put em outside when the weather permits, wich has actually be REALLY nice lately.

Thanks a bunch so far everyone!!
Some of my adult plants went very pale for a bit there and I could only put it down to the intense hot sun I was getting at the time. Maybe someone could verify this for me but I am guessing that the heat of the soil was affecting nutrient uptake. Just a theory based on the fact that once the sun settled down, my plants started turning green again.

Hay carbonated

You theory intrigued me!

Never heard that before, not that it couldn't be true.

Other theory: Maybe; During high concentrations of sun and heat, the plant is at max photosynthesis, splitting cell for growth and depleting the chlorophyll concentrations per capita, color, once the sun settles back down(as you but it), growth slows and the cells start to regenerate bringing the color back.

interesting to say the least! Let here it guys and gals

Cheers SC

Other theory: Maybe; During high concentrations of sun and heat, the plant is at max photosynthesis, splitting cell for growth and depleting the chlorophyll concentrations per capita, color, once the sun settles back down(as you but it), growth slows and the cells start to regenerate bringing the color back.
Yep, that's probably more likely it.... I never did do well in science! :lol:

My powers of deduction told me it was the sun causing my problem but anything more than that was a stab in the dark. ;)
Howdy folks,

Well recently my plants have seemed to go down hill rapidly. The epsom salt I used on them did a heck of a job on making the new leaves darker green. But 5/6 plants have just been going down hill big time, and ive noticed some dark brown spots on 2 of them. 2 others are not going anywhere at all and are still an inch high (my guess is thier roots couldnt penetrate my brick soil)

I have come to the conclusion that the "potting soil" i used is absolutly worthless. It has alot of sand in it and it just sucks(I found it in my garage, so i atleast have the excuse that i didnt purchase it :) ). So i went to the store got some MG organic potting mix and i have transplanted all of them. I made an attempt to get most of the old soil off the roots, but that stuff was solid as a brick from how much freakin sand was in it, and i didnt salvage much. The one good looking plant, a Douglah, i didnt even bother trying to get the old soil off. Its was so good looking i just potted it up basically, so i know i have 1 plants surviving.

The store didnt have a good selection, and i didnt have alot of time. Anybody have anything good to say about the Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix? lol

I also got some MG tomato fertilizer at the suggestion from woody3says, ill give that a try in a week or so if everyone pulls through.

Im sure its alot better than the previous crap, and i have officially learned my lesson on what to use, and what not to use lol. I will go in search of this infamous "Pro-Mix" now for when i pot them up to thier permanent pots. I will get some updated pics in a few days once i figure out whos surviving and whos not also.
Howdy folks,

Well recently my plants have seemed to go down hill rapidly. The epsom salt I used on them did a heck of a job on making the new leaves darker green. But 5/6 plants have just been going down hill big time, and ive noticed some dark brown spots on 2 of them. 2 others are not going anywhere at all and are still an inch high (my guess is thier roots couldnt penetrate my brick soil)

I have come to the conclusion that the "potting soil" i used is absolutly worthless. It has alot of sand in it and it just sucks(I found it in my garage, so i atleast have the excuse that i didnt purchase it :) ). So i went to the store got some MG organic potting mix and i have transplanted all of them. I made an attempt to get most of the old soil off the roots, but that stuff was solid as a brick from how much freakin sand was in it, and i didnt salvage much. The one good looking plant, a Douglah, i didnt even bother trying to get the old soil off. Its was so good looking i just potted it up basically, so i know i have 1 plants surviving.

The store didnt have a good selection, and i didnt have alot of time. Anybody have anything good to say about the Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix? lol

I also got some MG tomato fertilizer at the suggestion from woody3says, ill give that a try in a week or so if everyone pulls through.

Im sure its alot better than the previous crap, and i have officially learned my lesson on what to use, and what not to use lol. I will go in search of this infamous "Pro-Mix" now for when i pot them up to thier permanent pots. I will get some updated pics in a few days once i figure out whos surviving and whos not also.

Hey Dibs, don't loose faith. I am in the process of learning too. Last year I used that MG Organic Mix on alot of my potted plants. They did ok, and I did experience the hardening or caking of the soil and had to really watch it so the plants did not dry out and die. Just make sure to monitor the moisture content. Picking up and feeling how light the potted plants will tell you how much water the soil is retaining. I am now using Promix BX this year and can definitely see a difference in quality and moisture retention.
Howdy folks,

Well recently my plants have seemed to go down hill rapidly. The epsom salt I used on them did a heck of a job on making the new leaves darker green. But 5/6 plants have just been going down hill big time, and ive noticed some dark brown spots on 2 of them. 2 others are not going anywhere at all and are still an inch high (my guess is thier roots couldnt penetrate my brick soil)

I have come to the conclusion that the "potting soil" i used is absolutly worthless. It has alot of sand in it and it just sucks(I found it in my garage, so i atleast have the excuse that i didnt purchase it :) ). So i went to the store got some MG organic potting mix and i have transplanted all of them. I made an attempt to get most of the old soil off the roots, but that stuff was solid as a brick from how much freakin sand was in it, and i didnt salvage much. The one good looking plant, a Douglah, i didnt even bother trying to get the old soil off. Its was so good looking i just potted it up basically, so i know i have 1 plants surviving.

The store didnt have a good selection, and i didnt have alot of time. Anybody have anything good to say about the Miracle Grow Organic Potting Mix? lol

I also got some MG tomato fertilizer at the suggestion from woody3says, ill give that a try in a week or so if everyone pulls through.

Im sure its alot better than the previous crap, and i have officially learned my lesson on what to use, and what not to use lol. I will go in search of this infamous "Pro-Mix" now for when i pot them up to thier permanent pots. I will get some updated pics in a few days once i figure out whos surviving and whos not also.

I posted on another post my experience withe MG Organic choice. I have not had a good experience with it. Used it to start my seeds and quickly realized that even bottom feeding these, the soil would dry out in a matter of a few hours. And transplanting..forget about it unless you absolutely soak that soil first. It just crumbles in your hand trying to get out. There are a lot of people on here that use high end soil but I just switched to MG moisture control and the seeds I have in this stuff are growing like I have never seen before. Growing faster than I can keep up with quite honestly.