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chinense Difference in heat between a Bhut Jolokia and Bhut Jolokia Chocolate?

I'm sorry if this has been asked before, I tried to do a search and came up empty, perhaps my search skills are not refined.

I've never grown either before, this year I have a Bhut Jolokia Chocolate in a 3 gallon pot that is out producing every other pepper I'm growing, sweet or hot, in ground or in pot. It must have 40 pepper fruits set on it already and still a ton of flowers.

Back to the original question, is the scovill units about the same for each? If not which is higher?

Also, I'm growing a Trinidad 7 pod Douglah, from my reading here I'm assuming the Douglah will be hotter than either of the Bhut Jolokia I'm growing. Is this a correct assupmtion?

Thanks in advance for the feed back.
From what I've read,the browns tend to be hotter. Also depends on how they are grown! You could give me the hottest pepper seeds,and someone else in the community whose been around the block. Test the two,and I'd bet everything, theirs would be hotter than mine. Yes from the same pod,and seed stock.

As I've exp,and read/heard...over 1 mill is all pretty much the same. :hot:
A couple would even say,hotter than a hab is pretty much the same. Now me personally,after my short time in the community,have come to the conclusion..

What do you want from the pepper? You want smoke taste,fruit,ok you picked fruit. Now what type of fruit taste...List goes on and on. You could even go as far as what type of burn do you want? Throat,ears,chest,nose,and I've even read a couple of people say something close to"I want it to burn when I urinate"..LOL
What that all means to me....What do I want to grow,or am I growing super hots just to see who will eat them/I want to grow the WORLDS hottest? Which I also have another friend,who grows just for the latter.
I personally enjoy cooking with them.

Hope this helps?
yes Douglah will be hotter then either Bhut! I havent had a chocolate Bhut, but it should be a smidgen hotter then a Bhut I would think
I have heard that chocolate varieties are usually hotter, however I read where some of the chocolate bhuts are crosses between choc Habs and bhuts. I should think if your seed came from that cross, then it would be halfway between bhuts and chocolate Habs.

However I've read where some chocolate bhuts developed in the same region as the red bhuts. Those I suspect would be brutal. I would venture to guess the latter would be at least as hot as a normal Bhut, if not somewhat hotter.
Thanks to you all for the quick responses.

I don't know if my seed are true and stabalized, but I assume they are as they are from a trusted member here and at another site I often vist. I'm covering the blossoms for seed saving and we'll see what happens next year.
In my experience, Chocolate Bhuts are a little hotter than the Red ones. I got the craziest endorphin rush from a Chocolate Bhut, and while I got one from the Red, as well, it wasn't nearly as intense!
My Choc Bhuts are hotter than my Red Bhuts. Hell, I swear they're even hotter than my ButchT's!

I'm growing from a different source this year... should be interesting to see if they turn out the same or not.
I have to add to this, as there isn't much information but my Chocolate Bhuts are way hotter then my other Bhuts or Naga Morich. Very over powering with the fruity taste and a murderous burn. I haven't eaten a Butch T other then through a sauce, but the sauce I make from the Chocolate Bhut with similar chilli percentage blows them out of the park. I don't know if others have found this? I will be growing Chocolate Scorpions and Naga Viper next season, so it will be interesting to compare.
The darker the Bhut, the hotter and less fruity. Most Chocolate/Brown versions of peppers seem to loose the fruitiness and have a more sinister personality. I would say the 7 Pod (Pot) Brown might be the hottest by a slim margin over Douglah. The Chocolate Bhut crossed with a Yellow 7 Pod (Pot) that has been around awhile is still very hot, even though the Bhut is crossed with a yellow pepper.
Well I will wade in and disagree with everyone. The choc bhuts I grew last season were only as hot and certainly not hotter then my Bhut Jolokia 'Assam' pods. They were also no where near as tasty as the 'Assam'
That surprises me, I've been under the clearly false apprehension that chocs were milder (never grown any before). Don't want to hijack the thread but are caramel bhuts different in heat than regular? (got 1 caramel Bhut plant this year).
There are different red bhuts running around out there, some with more placenta than others. My choco bhuts were outrageously hot last year.
i havent grown choco bhuts since 2011, but here might be a good comparison for you:
choco bhut (i grew in PA weather):
red bhut (from ghost pepper farms in florida)
I really like the choc bhuts, they are evil looking!! LOL but the one chocolate that blew me out was a " Chocolate Big Bang Naga" that looks like the choc bhut, just hotter, almost as hot as the Trinidad Scorpion bt, just in a different way, imo.
Tigahb8 said:
I really like the choc bhuts, they are evil looking!! LOL but the one chocolate that blew me out was a " Chocolate Big Bang Naga" that looks like the choc bhut, just hotter, almost as hot as the Trinidad Scorpion bt, just in a different way, imo.
Choco bhuts can get damn hot.
I'm not familiar with this specific pepper, but apparently the choco big bang is not stable?: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/32970-chocolate-big-bang-naga/?p=669057