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Different yellowing on two plants


Well this is a bit odd for me.

I have two Fatali plants, each with slightly different yellowing on the leaves. One almost looks like a blister while the other is at the edges.

Now the specs:

Plants are indoors, under EcoGrow 2x40W floros about 3" above the plants. Normal watering every once in awhile when soil is dry. Soil is Pro-Mix BX with added Terracycle granular 5-3-4 fert.

I'm using a little epsom salts and a crushed multi-vitamin in about a gallon of water for watering. (I mix up a batch of watering stuff about once a week, so it should be gradual nutes, right?)

My base assumtion is i'm over fert? But IDK...they seem otherwise healthy.

Now the pics:

Plant 1

Plant 2

Plant 2 Closeup

Sorry about the color on the pics..those purple lights are hell to photograph under. They are pretty dark green actually.

I tried searching but couldn't find exactly what I seem to have here. So, any ideas?


Hey Quad,

I think your plants look fine, they are about the same size mine were when they went outside and took off. I'd harden them off in partial shade for a week then plant them in their final growing spot in the full sun. Good luck with your Fatalii.
Wel that's encouraging...:D

I guess I'm paranoid about my babies as they are doing so well so far.
They aren't going outside so that's not a problem..I'm 3 flights up in a concrete jungle, so unless they decide to fly... ;)

I do have sun from the window behind the lights for later on. I gotta Jalapeno in the window now that's about 14" tall in an 8x8 pot and busting out blooms like crazy.


my lil 1's under lights seem yellower than normal, dunno mabee its the fluro's, but all still going and growin sooo dunno and all ya new growth looks ok, sometimes watering the leaves when sun on plants burns the leaves.. somtimes, concentrated not diluted feed solution can burn lil bits, heaven help if i see a non friendly bug near my plants
hahaha i get paranoid too, its ok..
I think that bit about concentrated feed may be it..I prolly got some of the feeding water on the leaves. Since only a couple leaves have it I proly burnt 'em a bit doing that. I hand-washed off the leaves on both and chucked a bit of epsom spray at 'em..shoudl help out.

Man, I doubt I'd baby real kids this much..lol!

Funny too, those Fatali are one of my fave chilies, AND they grow with a coupel of my fave colors..dark green and purple.. :)
:) can't sleep, so went took pics on my new babys in tent.

got some new Heat happening. ill post it up and try to sleep (or watch the golf mabee)

go the Fatali'sssss :)