Diner Lingo?

The Hot Pepper said:
Wait. Your diner had a real life Flo? How cool is that!

Yep! But we called her Flossie.

Greyhound...If in doubt...More butter!....
As a youngster, we used to go to a place in Atlanta, Ga called "The Varsity."  You'd place an order at the counter and they would holler back at the cooks some Godawful stream of lingo (I wish I could recall exactly to quote) but I remember having thoughts of "WTF?" Before I even knew the phrase "WTF?" I always wondered what the hell we were gonna get, but somehow it was always what we ordered...
Doesn't add to the thread so much, but thanks for the inspiration to reminisce!  :P  
The Hot Pepper said:
Seems so much easier to just say the stuff on the right. :lol:
But not nearly as fun!

Plus every trade has their lingo. Makes every one else feel ',out of the loop' .

When customers call asking why the switch doesn't work, i tell them to look for stray electrons. Isolate the electrons, then call back.

Just kidding....you can never wrangle electrons. But that doesnt
mean it shouldnt be tried.
My favorite lingo threw all the years of cooking would have to be Chef MIC.  Which refers to the microwave.  Well done steak , let chef MIC handle it.  Out of mashers for the steak, let chef MIC warm them up.  Chef MIC to the rescue.
Chef Mic cooks from the inside out, opposite on conventional, easily detected, gotten many a meal where the center is steaming hot... Chef Mic! In that clip you could tell by the steam rising when he cut it.