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pests Ding-Dong, the Aphids Dead.


Well, I'd posted about that 1' tall Jalapeno I'd bought from a local garden center.

Well, it's come home with a few aphids..ack! But, I washed the plant down and killed all I could find. Been watching it closely and keeping it separated from the other plants.

Well, I saw a leaf that looked funny a few days ago.... and yikes..the underside was LOADED with aphids. Not the whole plants, just a few leaves were that bad.

Time for WAR!!!

Found this link to two recipes, and made my own version.

Homemade Aphid Repellant

I whipped up my homemade solution of dishsoap, water, garlic, and some olive oil so it'd stick. (also added some epson salt just for kicks..I'm foliar spraying..may as well eh?)

Sprayed the thing until it dripped on both sides of the leaves and scraped off as many of the buggers as I could. Did that for two days. Found a lot of dead aphids..heheh.

When I got it it beginning of July it looked like this:

Now, it's like this..after aphids no less.

FAIK, theres no alive bugs that I can find, the nodes are exploding with growth and flowers/baby peppers and it's so green and shiny it looks fake. :D


Yuppers. And I'll add that plant has only seen sunshine through the window..it's way too big for the height of my lights for the other plants ATM.
Here's an aphid question. I noticed a few aphids on my first and largest hab pod. Like, on the pod itself. I sprayed it down good before i left this morning, but should i be overly concerned? I will mix up some of that spray Mr. Quad used later today. I used neem oil this morning. I also have a bottle of Safer soap i may try as well. The plant looks to be doing okay with quite a few buds and at least 4-5 pods growing.
Yes you've got to repeat the process with the spray, a few people do it just the once and and then wonder why the aphids are still present.
I've got to give this a try - nothing else seems to work for more than three or four days. What I want to know is where are their natural enemies!!!

wordwiz said:
I've got to give this a try - nothing else seems to work for more than three or four days. What I want to know is where are their natural enemies!!!


They hate soap, garlic, and not breathng due to the oil..;)

Garlic repells most all criters..Im new to this as in past years outdoors we planted garlic and marigolds in every row of stuff..pests hate that. This indoor shite is a challenge.

Yes, it took more thanb one application.. spray daily and scrape off all the ded ones..they may not be. Do it untiol you are SURE they are all dead. If plants are outdoors..well..it's a gamble.

One aphid can bring them all back as they ar asexual. But, the additionof the epsom just made it feel like feeding time...for aphid death. :)

It works.
It's the oils I think..planting garlic and Marigolds has long been a Organic method of pest prevention..pest just don't liek the smell.

Those soil pests that nobody could ID for me? I Nuked 'em by sprinkling powdered garlic on the soil, and watering..they bit the dust. It also killed some mold that was growing on a jiffy...sprayed with garlic and peroxide..done deal.

Garlic is a powerfull antibiotic too.
Would chives be a similar pest deterrant? it's the only plant i don't have this season and i'd never had aphids before this season on any plants.
perhaps the garlic chives..but i had chives this year that had pests in the soil ..they didnt eat the plant at all, but were happy in the soil.

I don't think they are strong enuf tobe much of a deterrent except for their own 'skins'.

Jus my .02