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sun DIRECT SUNLIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!

hello guys :).
i have 1 week old cayenne plants and i put them in the shade because you guys said i must because Kuwait's sun will burn em

well, they always grow "towards" the light so they get curved. right now i am switching directions every now and then but that is just temporary. what do i do?
You can try gradually hardening the plant in the sun. A half hour in the sun, then a half hour in the shade. Increase duration and make sure the seedling stays well hydrated. You'll toughen the little guy up early. In your climate, I still wouldn't leave a mature plant out in full sun all day.
put something like a shade net or treillis to give half sun half shadow
that should work
After toasting a few plants, I have found that fine mesh screens work best over the plants.You really want to pay attention to thye soil temps in the pots-thats a big factor.The reflected and absorption of heat by cement/hard ground over there is..well, cooking temp!Screen would reduce this a bit also....good luck
I have similar climate where I live, we've had 32 days above 110 F this year already...

Like the above two posters said, shade screens are the way to go. If you put plants in a place where they are shaded most of the day, they will grow very slow and will tend to grow towards wherever they get their daily dose of sun. Instead, rig up something that will filter out a lot of the sun, especially during the hottest time of day, and put them under it in a place where they will get sun all day. If you cant find a good shade screen at a hardware store, something like a bed sheet may work. Note, they will still probably need to be hardened like Redtail said, even under your shade screen...