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My wife got home from an appointment this morning and discovered my Siberian Husky pups had found my seedlings. Out of three dozen Jolokias, Aji Limons and Cajamarcas only 4 have survived. Don't know which yet as I'm still at work.

Anyone reccomend a reputable seed seller than can ship fast?

Oh well! After they jump on me and lick my face I'll forget all about yelling at them.
that sucks!

My worst pet disaster so far was my cat going in the garage and pissing in a big tray of mixed soil. Guess she thought it was a litter box. I dont think ammonia soaked potting soil is good, so i threw it outside.

Dont know which seed seller is best for shipping fast.
Your wife sounds like mine. Mine calls me all the time with bad news that I could really do without knowing about till I get home. It's almost like , "Hell yeah where's the phone, I'll ruin his day right quick" . Sorry about the mishap.
Your wife sounds like mine. Mine calls me all the time with bad news that I could really do without knowing about till I get home. It's almost like , "Hell yeah where's the phone, I'll ruin his day right quick" . Sorry about the mishap.

Your wife sounds like mine. Mine calls me all the time with bad news that I could really do without knowing about till I get home. It's almost like , "Hell yeah where's the phone, I'll ruin his day right quick" . Sorry about the mishap.

Lol, thanks dude. That made me laugh, I feel better now.
I believe Beth at Peppermainia will have all those varieties and is speedy with good germ rate. Judy at Pepperlover is also fast with good germ rate but not sure she has all those.

Good Luck
Your wife sounds like mine.
I've got one of those too, 2 phone calls today by 11:00, she only has been at work since 8:30. "how's your day", "are you going out today" and my favourite:

"want to hear about my day?".....(silence)....."sure dear"...."well it was cold walking from the car to the office...(ya, its -20C outside,i just walked the kids to their bus stop and like everyday it's snowing or cold the bus is a 1/2 hour late)... not thinking out loud ... "Did you know Mary's sister, whose neighbour's grandmother, whose cousin ... aaargggh, still not thinking out loud .... well she has a friend who went to the doctor....(good God, someone shoot me)... still not thinking out loud" .....(just silence folks, dead silence, on my side)...(and no, i don't know who Mary is!)

hey BR, it may not be as bad as you think, but when you do get home, mix up a batch of aspirin water. 1 aspirin to about a quart of water and stir it up. after you attempt to salvage any seedlings that are salvagable, give them a little drink of this water. i use aspirin water all the time on plants that start looking a little sickly or sometimes when i go from dwc to soil the plants have a bit of shock happening and i give them a little drinky to perk them up. if you have a clear plastic cover or dome, you may try to shield them from air movement and if you can put a light over the plastic/dome. any surviving seedlings with navigate to the light and strengthen them.

good luck.
Thanks everyone

I discovered I still had seeds left from all three species. I used the excuse to order a new greenhouse with heat mat and digital temp control. Got them coming two day delivery. I'll plant some new ones and get the three that survived in there ASAP.

I can harvest into Oct here most years, so we'll be OK.


The leaves, stems and roots of peppers are toxic and shouldn't be consumed. Make sure you place them somewhere out of reach from your poochies or the next phone call you get may have to do with a vet.

You and BC should take Chris Rock's advice. Whenever your significant other calls to give you bad new or just wants to tell you about her day, just nod your head and say "What? Get out!... No way.... Uh-huh... Really!? I TOLD YOU THAT BITCH WAS CRAZY!" That'll cover you off for virtually any conversation ;)
Pepperlover and Peppermania both got here in about 3 days. Tradewindsfruit about 4. Even THSC took only 5 coming from Australia. They were all very fast for me.
I agree Tradewindsfruits is about as fast as you can get. Got a good selection too. I have cats and dogs. Cats seem to be smart enough not to eat hot peppers plants. Dogs eat anything including cat poop. Even mice won"t eat my hot peppers but they love sweet peppers.
tradewindsfruit aka seedrack don't quite have their superhots in line. Last year I ordered bhut jolokia seeds and got caribbean red habaneros.

The leaves, stems and roots of peppers are toxic and shouldn't be consumed. Make sure you place them somewhere out of reach from your poochies or the next phone call you get may have to do with a vet.

You and BC should take Chris Rock's advice. Whenever your significant other calls to give you bad new or just wants to tell you about her day, just nod your head and say "What? Get out!... No way.... Uh-huh... Really!? I TOLD YOU THAT BITCH WAS CRAZY!" That'll cover you off for virtually any conversation ;)

I wasn't aware of that Blister, I'll keep an eye on them.

...tradewindsfruit aka seedrack...

Really? I didn't know they're the same company.

I thought Trade Winds Fruit was based in California and Seedrack (Whatcom Seed) was in Oregon.

I've dealt with Trade Winds in the past and had no problems with them.

I've never ordered from Seedrack, mainly because of the many stories I've read like yours.
That's a hard thing to face when you get home, sorry about the loss. We've all suffered a loss in one way or another, you'll rebound and someday laugh at the whole thing. It's all good my friend.
Really? I didn't know they're the same company.

I thought Trade Winds Fruit was based in California and Seedrack (Whatcom Seed) was in Oregon.

I've dealt with Trade Winds in the past and had no problems with them.

I've never ordered from Seedrack, mainly because of the many stories I've read like yours.
Oh god. My bad. I apologize. You are right. Seedrack/whatcom is who I had problems with. Tradewinds I never had issue with and I apologize for putting them together.