Discolored leaves

Hi All,
I have 2 tabasco pepper plats, 2 ghost pepper plats, and 2 reaper pepper plants.  All have been doing well except for the last couple of weeks.  My tabasco's have a ton of peppers with some ripening nicely. 1 of my ghosts have about 6 peppers and lots of flowers but does seem to drop a lot of it's flowers.  My other ghost gets flowers but hasn't produced a pepper yet.  Both reapers have had lots of flowers but no peppers.  All have been transplanted into pots that should be right at 5 gallon containers.  I have not been feeding them much. Before transplanting I just used water and some epson salt every few weeks.  After transplanting to these new containers (using Miracle Grow soil) I didn't feed for around 3 weeks and just recently used some miracle grow food (the one that promotes blooms) because I started to see these leaves get discolored and have had some leaves fall off.  All the plant do seem to be producing new growth\leaves however.  I was wondering if anyone has seen this condition before and if so what the treatment (if any) is.
For my outside conditions, they are under a screened porch (screened on top as well as side) and get about 6-7 hours of sun a day. When they were younger and outside in the direct sunlight they seemed to be getting burnt and started thriving under the screen.  The temps her in central Florida have been blazing hot for about 2 months now, and humid as all get out.  It has steadily been in the low 90's during the day and mid 70's at night, with the last 2-3 weeks in the mid to even upper 90's during the day. During this heat wave and before I transplanted to larger containers I was watering every day.  If I didn't they would get really droopy looking. Since transplanting I have been water every other day to every 2 days and they seemed to be doing fine, and yes there are about 8-10 drainage holes in the bottom of the containers.
In addition to this discoloring, I have been noticing a fair amount of leaf drop.  One of my reapers seem to be dropping 2-3 leaves a day.
So any help would be appreciated!  Pics can be seen here.  If the link isn't clickable you should be able to copy and paste it in your address bar.
:welcome: to T.H.P. !   they don't like to pod when its really hot and humid , things just fall off , have you given them a shot of epsom ?  whats your  fert. ratio ?       :onfire:
Yeah I'm not worried about the pods so much as I am about the leaves being discolored and the leaves falling off the plants.  I also noticed one of my tabascos has the newer leaves on top curling up a little as seen it the very last pic at that link.  Fert is 18 N, 18 P2O5, 21 K2O, .5 Mg, .10 Cu, .05 Mn, .o5 Z.  Just the standard miracle grow tomato plant food.  
My reapers and the biggest, oldest scorpion have been getting a little discolored where the afternoon sun has been beating them. They've lost a few leaves lately. I moved them into deeper shade. The seed baby scorpions haven't been getting so much of the brutal Gulf Coast sun so they're not showing the discolor.