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Disease I.D. on jalapeno Please

Hello guys I`m trying to figure out what this is. Looks like bunch tiny little dots spreadin. The plant was healty till I trimmed it back and repoted it. That`s when I noticed this stuff pop up. Put in fox farms ocean forest. I just trimmed all the leaves off of it becuse it was getting little worse. So now it`s just a stick in dirt.
The leaveas on the tips starting to dry and curl. I had this in the same pot as a habanero. And it looks fine. Doing the leaf dry leaf on tips but other then that no brown spots on it.
Doe`s it have a virus? Do I throw it out?
Before disease



Bacterial Leaf Spot is what it looks like. Alot of people had it this year due to all the rain. You can spray the plant with copper fungicide and it helps. Since you trimmed all the leaves off it should be fine. I would spray the stem soil and container with the copper fungicide just to kill any spores still lingering.
If it is bls you need to contain and control it asap. It wikl destroy plants. Water the plant gently as to not splash spores around the plant. If its in the soil I don't think its possible to eradicate so I would isolate the sick plants. One of my plants has bls and its still making flowers and setting pods but the leaves look bad and drop with the symptoms. Im gonna save seed and grow them out in an environment next season.
All right thanks guys I might just chuck it. Don`t want to spend more money on it. It`s just a home depot here more pics of the leaves to confirm.

Don't chuck it just yet. I'm not seeing the tell tale yellowing rings around the brown spots... can you isolate it at least 3 metres from your other plants
yeah i can move it to another part of my yard. I just dont want to bother with it, if a lost cause. I have it sitting next to other plants. strange I had it in the same pot as a habanero and it looks fine. Before I repoted it it also looked fine maybe it had a little bit.
They could be bug bites. If it's bacterial leaf spot, which is quite possible, then it's very mild so far. It's a good idea to isolate and see what happens. It could fight bls or it could be bugs bugging it. I wouldn't say it's a lost cause yet.
I have similar on one of my Jalapenos.  It came after I sprayed with Epsom Salt solution that was a little too strong - I see a white residue on the pepper pod - is that dried Epsom Salt solution? 
The Jalapeno has been stored near other plants which are not contracting the same brown spots, so I'm pretty confident mine is not bacterial.  It's also producing new leaves and is onto its 3rd round of pods... so if yours is the same it might not be a lost cause.  I'd isolate as Sarge and Dulac have said and see what happens for a week or so with just water.
No epson salt. Just repoted and seems like this started. I have it sitting by self it`s winter here in california wish it was sunny. Will it show anything on the stems of the plant? that`s all there is now, cut it back for winter.
All right little update. looked at the HAB looks like it might have something also.
The pics are of the stems look like something on them. also the leaf has some dots looks smilar to the jalapeno.

Poor jalapeno haircut.
It could be BLS, it could also be thrip damage, or both! It could also be a result of general "winter decline" in which conditions (light, humidity, temp) result in the plant being more susceptible to pathogens and insects. Once conditions improve the plant will regain vigor and may be less susceptible to pathogens and insects. Keep in mind that different plants have varying degrees of tolerance to BLS, they may have the disease and still grow and produce just as well except that the leaves will be spotty and some may drop, on the other hand extremely susceptible plants will drop all of their leaves including new growth and flower buds!