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Disease, nutrition, or something else?

This is my first year starting with grow lights. I've been rather pleased with how it is going, especially with the Purple Beauty:


However, my Albino Bullnose is looking like it is having a problem. Some leaves look fine, others are warped and have yellow/brown patches.

I started with Pro-Mix BX, and for the first 4 weeks alternated each week with dilute miracle grow and dilute epsom salt. After that, I've been using tomato tone at about 2/3rds of their recommended amount.


that plant is way to small for buds, its stressed I'd say back off on the nutrients, keep an eye out for critters, maybe pot up with some fresh soil thats got no nutrients added by you.....GL
Well, after reading around some more, I'm thinking it was light-burn. It was only affecting the upper leaves. I backed off the lights another 12 inches and the new leaves coming in are looking normal, and the damaged ones aren't getting any worse.

I'm not sure why I'd need to back off on the nutrients. I started with Pro-mix that has no nutrients, and what I have added is less than the lable recommends.
ProMix may start with no nutrients, but microbial life will soon develop and start feeding your plant, unless you kill it with salts from fertilizers.

If you want to use fertilizer, start with a 1/4 of the recommended amount on the label. Then bump it up to 1/2 dilution in a few weeks.

Remember if you use synthetic fertilizer, you will need to add Cal-Mag later on. You will also have less resistance to disease and pests, thus depending on pestacides.

Alright, I'm sure nobody wants to listen to Ras Trent rant on about how organic is better, sooo ill stay out of it.
Just wanted to mention that since I've moved the lights further away, no new growth has looked damaged. Growing at a decent pace too.
Glad things are getting better, although I am skeptical that the cause of the crinkled leaves was due to the lights. You would notice burnt leaf tips rather than malformation of the newer leaves if light stress was the culprit.

I suspect bugs. If you closely inspect the bottom side of the malformed leaves I bet you might find some small white/brown/black dots (mites), or maybe a small aphid infestation.

If you look and don't see any bugs then the other cause I would suspect would be a calcium deficiency.