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Disturbing green growths on my Habanero Red

Hello everyone,

looking under the leaves of my peppers today, I noticed those weird green growths. They happen to be interested in Habanero Red only, no other specie has those things, even though they were hugging eachother in my growbox. They have good temperature conditions, fresh soil, fertilized once every few days with 20-20-20 mineral fertilizer, haven't been outside yet.



At first I thought it was greenfly/aphis, but this seems like it's growing from the leaf, it's pretty hard, the same feeling as if I tried to put my nail through the leaf. Not sticky, doesn't fall off neither.

I asked for help on my national forum aswell, but this is the place where, I think, I will more likely get an answer, because of users number and your greater experience. Thanks in advance ;)
Without a more close-up pic all I can say is it REALLY looks like aphids to me. If you haven't already significantly isolated this plant from the others, do so now. If you don't have a jeweler's loupe, get one and look at them more closely. Aphids don't always brush off. Wouldn't hurt at all to start using insecticidal soap on them every day, if you have to order a loupe and need to wait until it arrives. Also, though you may not have seen them on the other plants, go ahead and start using insecticidal soap on them, too.
If they are hard, it is not aphids. Aphids are very soft bodied. It is strange that it appears to be concentrated along the leaf veins. I didn't find anything in my pepper disease book that matched your pics, so I have to guess it is some kind of critter?
Awesome! I've noticed that on a plant or two... It wasn't bugs and didn't seem to affect them so o forgot about it. Any way just took this pic


They look fine tho
