propogating-cloning DIY EZ Clone Bucket

I'm going to give this a try.  I picked up a 264 gph pump from Harbor Freight and other supplies from Lowes.  I picked the pump size based on it being the first size that had a threaded opening that I can thread my pvc pipe into.  I think with a little pvc glue and about 10 - 15 minutes I should be able to have one of these put together.
Ok, maybe 20 minutes because I was trying not to get glue everywhere.


Is the water heated in any way?  If the water was heated do you think it may help root difficult cuttings?
Also, is it just water or are there nutrients in there?
MangoChilli said:
Is the water heated in any way?  If the water was heated do you think it may help root difficult cuttings?
Also, is it just water or are there nutrients in there?
Just to give my opinion on the heat question, I have found that I get the best results when the water temp is between 76 and 79 degrees f.
My system is a bubble cloner, so it is a little different, but same idea.
looks awesome and fun build but seems like overkill for cloning as do the systems people buy.. Id save that for one big plant and for clones go even simpler.. thin piece of Styrofoam floating in a bucket with holes in it to put cuttings through... can leave it alone for a long time cause the styrofoam just lowers itself with the water as the water evaporates or gets used up... once you get roots pill em out and put them in your creation for monster plants... very kool project though.. nice...

MangoChilli said:
For a few years I have been growing cuttings by poking them in styrofoam floating on an aquarium.  It seems very similar to a bubble cloner and has given me excellent results.  It has bubbles for high oxygen, the water is warm, plus it has nutrients from the fish.

this is why i need to read above first... wrote my whole thing then saw this... yes i agree... i think their system would be best for growing one monster plant and clone with the floating styrofoam...
Psychographic said:
Seeing as you think the bucket itself is overkill, I could understand why you think adding an enclosed light would be even more overkill.
i did not say the top was overkill i said the top was pointless but since that  bothers you let me clarify . your top became pointless for any reason other than free time usage and being able to say look what i did to others to get a pat on the head the minute you added the fan and giant air pipes . you made it pointless  . the original is overkill for its purpose of cloning yours is too much free time and pointless .
even more so since you made the inside of the top black, the opposite color than it should be. enclosed tops with lights is not what i viewed as pointless , what you did is.
the only point of a lid would be to enclose humidity and your fan and ports negated... unless that is mylar in there which i cant see in the pic... me saying i dont see the point was not ragging on you it was asking what the point made it, explain it...
I did in the first two sentences of the original post.

JUR-Z-Devil said:
i did not say the top was overkill i said the top was pointless but since that  bothers you let me clarify . your top became pointless for any reason other than free time usage and being able to say look what i did to others to get a pat on the head the minute you added the fan and giant air pipes . you made it pointless  . the original is overkill for its purpose of cloning yours is too much free time and pointless .

even more so since you made the inside of the top black, the opposite color than it should be. enclosed tops with lights is not what i viewed as pointless , what you did is.
Again, deleted due to an annoying asshole.
Psychographic said:
I did in the first two sentences of the original post.

You think I give a rats ass what anyone thinks about a stupid cloning bucket. So your a damn psychic and know what I'm thinking, Get off your high horse.
well its obvious you do with a reaction like that when i said i wasnt ragging on you i was expecting an explanation to what you were thinking when you did it... but since you wanna cry and bitch like a 12 year old girl on her first period, ill simply say good day to you and your excessive free time...
Got to love the ignore feature here... there are always a few that cant take the heat (get it? the hot pepper forums...ha.) dismissed
It's not worth it. It's not my problem that Jur-Z-Devil is too fucking stupid to understand an enclosed light and the fan is there to keep the moisture away from 120vac.