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chinense Do Carolina Reapers take longer to change color than some other peppers?

There has to be a clever name for the excruciatingly long time that it takes for your full size peppers to finally turn color. Especially when you are waiting for your first taste of a new pepper. Well, finally, my Carolina Reapers are starting to turn color. I couldn't think of anything clever, but I know I can't be the only one that has looked at your peppers every single day waiting to see a color other than green. Any ideas? I think a good term for this would catch on because I know I can't be the only one who has been watching their new peppers every day waiting for something to happen. Tom
Impatientednessophobia   :P

Its the fear your pods will never change thus needing to check on them all the time.
I think I have that! When I saw a reddish tinge to a few of these peppers, it was like a burden had been lifted and everything was right with the world again :) Now for the first taste this next Monday on hot pepper night. We will get to see if these are truly a big deal or not.
I know this whole pepper thing is just getting worse. I was laughing when I read that some people had got in some of those Jigsaw seeds from Finland and they stooped so low as to scrape every bit of any left over pepper material still clinging on those seeds just to get the first taste of this new pepper. So, I got my seeds in and I thought to myself, oh, why the hell not? So what did I do, the exact same thing, and you know what? I was happy I did! There is something definitely wrong, but it feels so right.
I am going through this excruciating phase with my indoor peppers. I crossed jalapenos with a sweet banana and am waiting for the peppers to ripen so I can harvest my hybrid seeds. It's taking forever and for some reason me checking on them as much as possible has no effect on the ripening processes. :(