labels-artwork do i need to submit label for fda approval

I could swear i found something on this topic at one time.  I am currently unable to find anything about the topic now... 
Do I need to submit my label to the FDA for commercial sales? any links available?
Thank you for the help
Greetings ~WarriorBlood.
:welcome: to THP.
Labeling is usually up to your local inspector for adherence.  In WA state, the state Dept of Ag inspectors are the default FDA inspectors for food processors.  My state inspector has the call to approve or request changes to my product labels.   
I always tell new processors to start local and work your way up to the FDA.  If you are only selling local or in state, you do not need any FDA registrations.  I'd encourage you to get licensed for local sales and then work with your state inspector to find out what FDA registrations are needed.  If you sell across state lines, in person or online, you will need to get registered as a food processor with the FDA.  When I got registered with the FDA, the state still did all the onsite inspections.  Also, in most states, it's the Dept of Ag that takes care of food processing operations, not the local (city or county) health districts that inspect restaurants.  
Also, you are not REQUIRED to have a NIP on the label.  Some wholesale distributors or store chains require it.  That's their own company policy.  But for online, market, local stores etc, it is not required as long as you have filed the free Nutritional Information Exemption with the FDA.  Just remember to renew it yearly. 
Hope this helps,  Good Luck!
Hi SL, 
I really appreciate all your info.  It looks like I will be selling across state lines, living in the tri state area of northern kentucky, plus having too many connections on the west coast, as well as a possible opportunity with a restaurant owner in the EU.  I am looking to get FDA approval for the label.
I just wanted to reply and make sure I say thank you for the time you spend on writing responses.  And I sincerely thank you for your time :) 
Sounds like you have some great opportunities. Again, start with your local/state inspectors before getting tied up with the fda. Once your product is licensed through the state, that makes the rest of the process a lot easier.

Best of luck and Have Fun!
It's different in every state. In VA:
After our sauces are approved by our process authority, we have to submit a form to our contact at the FDA along with an image of our labels, who then determines if our labels are acceptable (proper info on the labels, ingredients, wording, etc. If not, she tells us, we make changes and send them back and once she approves, we're good to go.
I believe your process authority should have the proper contact info on where to go next.