Do peppers produce actual heat?

Heckle, with respect but in a taunting tone; bla bla bla

Dude, in my part of the world we import labor at $12.00 / hour cause there arent enough Americans to work for $8.00 an hour till parts of their feet fall off. 
ajdrew said:
Heckle, with respect but in a taunting tone; bla bla bla

Dude, in my part of the world we import labor at $12.00 / hour cause there arent enough Americans to work for $8.00 an hour till parts of their feet fall off. 
Where you at, mother Russia?
Like most humans that taunt chimps, you forget that shit flies right through the bars.
Tell me more about the tear jerking status update you purchased with the separate debit card?

Also, in your part of the world, hot peppers melt ice and break freezers.
With all due respect though.
Heckle said: "Also, in your part of the world, hot peppers melt ice and break freezers."
The first sentence of my first post on this topic reads:  "Before you give me grief and call me dumb, I do not think so."

I am sorry you missed that opening line.

Heckle asked: "Where you at, mother Russia?"

Under my avatar it reads: "Location: Waddy, KY"

I am sorry you missed that.
Heckle said: "Tell me more about the tear jerking status update you purchased with the separate debit card?"
The saddest statement I see in my recent status updates is that I was afraid to scratch my balls. 
Heckle said: "Laziness, or what a lot of people think is laziness, is actually damage to the prefrontal cortex."

Yep, sick and injured people exist.  So do lazy people.  I really do not think that agricultural employees in the state of Kentucky import labor from Mexico to fill the jobs Americans will not take because of all the prefrontal cortex damage in Kentucky.  But now that you mention it, we do consume an unusually large volume of moonshine.  So maybe you are on to something.

On a serious note, between your hatred of capitalism and your opinion that laziness is a result of brain damage, I get the feeling I stepped on something deeply personal.  I am rather open about being in recovery from a traumatic brain injury.  In fact, today was one of the first times in 8 years that I had lunch out in public with someone I do not know well.  Usually I am too embarrassed by my speech patterns to make conversation and try to avoid face to face interactions.

If you ever want to talk about similiar challenges, feel free to PM me.
