seeds Do seedlings grow faster indoors or outdoors ?

I've never grown plants from seeds prior to this year and they are starting to germinate now. I don't have any indoor light set up at this time. Weather is in the upper 70's to upper 80's for the upcoming 2 week forecast. 
Your expert advice for this novice is greatly appreciated.
Two years ago, I set a few seedlings directly outdoors and they experienced no sunburn, no hardening off issues (obviously) and they flourished - until high winds took care of them. I'd say outdoors from the very onset would be good. Just don't allow them to dry out.
Yeah I think starting them outdoors is great because hardening them off can be a pain.
I'm actually germinating seeds both indoors and outdoors right now. The indoor setups is your average black seedling tray, heating mat, oscillating fan, and a shop light. It's all about the heating mat. Most of my seeds from various varieties started germinating around day 7 I think. Pretty quick to me. Is it overall faster when you take into account the time spent having to harden them off? 
So I have 6 red plastic cups outside in a sunny location. I put 3 seeds in each cup after filling them with some bagged potting soil. Covered the tops with Saran Wrap to keep it moist. No way would I have been able to use that seedling tray outside without it drying out. Happens quick enough indoors! 
Anyways I'm thinking if the germination rates are good then I might switch to doing it outdoors right from the onset. While it may take longer to germinate I think it might be faster overall without needing to harden them off.
I think outdoors is a crap shoot.
Indoors under lights is safer.
Growth outdoors is as good or better BUT 1 hungry grasshopper can eat a LOT of small plants in a day.
When I had a garden in the soil I had to plant a TON of seeds because most starts got eaten or whatever.
I start everything indoors now and go a step farther.
I use 4 1/2 in. pots under lights and let them set a pod or 2 for pure seeds before they go outside.
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Factors aside from grasshoppers and hardening off aside, the answer to your core question is that the speed of growth depends upon just a few basic things: light, temperature, moisture, and food. If you have two plants of the same variety and start (and keep) them one inside and one outside these four factors will make the greatest impact on them. More light = more growth. Warmer temperatures = more growth. Appropriate moisture = more growth. Appropriate food = more growth. 
As noted above, outdoors you are going to potentially have more temperature swings, but you're also going to have more light available (unless you plant them in a spot that gets shade.) Moisture and food, for the most part, can be controlled by the grower, regardless of environment. 