Do seeds mature on a banana/apple bag tech?

Well winter is here right now, plants slowing growths and fattening, 15C difference btw day n night temps and going even worst
I have some hybridized pods that seems to be such slow as I don't know if they could make proper seeds, they are very special crosses so I'm a bit worried and sadly I can't cover the plants this years
I know pods could ripe inside a paper bag with some hard ripe apples or bananas as they produce ethylene, but really I don't know if seeds mature with that tech, never paid attention on that when cutted a bag tech ripe fruits, also did it with ripening water tech but there seeds didn't mature.
My question is if I could harvest all the uncrossed pods, ripe em and collect their seeds, so I could leave on the plants the only few crossed pods to see if they could run before freeze came jejje

PD: I use to hung the hybridized pods to dry a bit and be sure the seeds fully mature and has a proper germ ratio (I've only made this with already naturally ripe pods)
So I don't really know if unripe podés could mature seeds

Thanks in advance
I've seen a post where someone takes the entire branch and puts the cut end in water until the pod ripens. The poster showed previous times doing this where the pods rioem really well.

In my personal experience if the pod hasn't started to ripen at all my efforts were pointless because all the peppers rotten before ripening. If the peppers had even started to ripen a smidgen placing them in a bag with bananas and other fruit helped the process a little bit. No where near as good as the guy who put the branches on water though.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
I'm planning to cut the most matured brunches with the pods on it, ripe em on water and the hang dried like a ristra jej
Nice link brother, I use to harvest then when started to soften been already ripe for a fully maturing seeds, so let's see how unripe ones works
sirex said:
I've seen a post where someone takes the entire branch and puts the cut end in water until the pod ripens. The poster showed previous times doing this where the pods rioem really well.

In my personal experience if the pod hasn't started to ripen at all my efforts were pointless because all the peppers rotten before ripening. If the peppers had even started to ripen a smidgen placing them in a bag with bananas and other fruit helped the process a little bit. No where near as good as the guy who put the branches on water though.
Yeah bro I use to do both techs, banana bag and water cup tech, I really prefer water tech as the pods doesn't soften as much as on the banana bag
I'll take some almost mature brunches and let's see if they continue maturing while on water cup.

PD: This shots were taken within 5 days difference


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sirex said:
Those are some great looking pods! What are those that turn from purple to yellow?
Thanks brother, the yellow one is fatalii orange and the purple ones are pink tiger but manual ripening didn't show any strips, nada de nada jej
I've made some annums that starts purple stripped and finish yellow on some phenos, this year I've made a purple bhut hybrid crossed with yellow thai hoping to find some chinese dominant purple/yellow pods


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I've read a study where the highest % of viable seed came from ripe berries still on the plant.

However the same study found that allowing the berries to ripen off of the plant did increase the % of seed that grew when compared to seed from berries that were not allowed to ripen further.

Even with berries that were not ripe, but were picked when they were fully grown and green in the same study still showed that a % of the seed did grow.

Seeds that are from fruit that has not even grown to full size are usually inviable or won't grow without in-vitro and embryo rescue techniques that are not ordinarily possible for hobby growers like myself.

I frequently looks for more ripe specimens in grocery stores and roadside stands and allow them to ripen on a shelf next to a light bulb until they appear entirely ripe and then I process them, removing and drying the seed for later use.

This method works well.

I also used it this year on an unripe berry that fell from a plant that only had 3 berries the entire season. I planted 5 seeds from it after it turned red and I have 2 healthy seedlings growing of it.

Ethylene gas is so potent that I find a bag isn't really needed but I don't see how it could hurt.