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Do some types OW better than others?

I heard somewhere that certain types of peppers overwinterbetter than others/produce better in their 2nd or third years. For example, I've heard c. annuums Ow well and produce well in their 2nd and 3rd years, while c. chinense typically do the best in their first year (haven't heard anything about baccatums, fructescens, etc.)  Any truth to this?  Can anyone telle me how well certain varieties do overwinter and past their rookie years?
Just for reference, the peppers that may be ow'd are:
-Jalapeno (2nd yr)
-Cayenne (2nd yr)
-Wild Brazil (rookie)
-7 Pot Yellow (rookie)
-Scotch Bonnet TFM (rookie)
- Aji lemon (rookie)
- Aji Pineapple (rookie)
- Yellow Fatalii (rookie)
The jalapeno and cayenne are most likely going to be Ow'd, the real decision is how to choose the rookie of the year.
chinense do well OW... i don't think there is a difference between species
i think your decision should be based on, which do you like / are going to use the most.
I have successfully OW annuums, chinenese, baccatuums, and pubescens, so IMO none are more or less difficult than others. The bigger questions are why you would choose to overwinter one vs. another. If you are growing standard jalapenos, it's kind of a no-brainer NOT to overwinter those, since jalapenos are readily-available in grocery stores. The others should depend on things like your flavor preferences of one over another and how much room you have. 
Some people will tell you the opposite of what you found - they will tell you it's hard to OW annuums. I think it really comes down to how much attention you give the plants and the conditions they are in for the winter.
My overwintered chinenses and frutescens are producing much more in their second year (and much earlier). I wasn't going to bother overwintering any this year, since the aphids were a real pain last year, but after seeing how well they produce I'll be overwintering again for sure.
Pubescens are the easiest to OW, chinenses are great too. I realy wouldn't bother ow-ing anuums if there isn't something special about the plant.
The only reason I want to keep the Cayenne is because it was one of my first plants (so it has sentimental value I suppose) and this year its recovering from broad mites, but the pods on it are massive!  The Jalapeno is going to stay also because its one of my first plants, plus the pods it puts out have beautiful corking.  Other than that, I'm debating turning one of my wild brazils into a bonchi...looks like now all I have to decide is which ones make the cut this year...decisions decisions...
thanks everyone!
I o/w a few annuums last year. They are all way underproducing the ones I started in the spring. No more o/w annuums for me. Chinense and pubes only this year.