health Do these leaves need attention?

First time I've seen this. Will they need help?
….. and just to help out with the lingo, those are cotyledons, also called "seed leaves." Their purpose is to feed the developing plant until true leaves form and, like an umbilical cord, they will ultimately fall off. You do not need to use fertilizer until they do fall off, and when you do start using it, use at about 1/4 strength to start off. 
Cayennemist said:
I love when plants show signs of mutation, you never know it might make for unique pods.
Well it's a chocolate hab, nothing too exotic. My supers are doing well but I've never grown super hots from seed before so I'm not sure I'll know if the pods are unique. lol
geeme, most of my plants may be ready for ferts I think, with 4 to 8 sets of true leaves and some starting to show pods. The plants are still quite small though, 7 inches being the tallest and the cotys are stubbornly hanging on on many of them. They sit 8 inches below my T8's (cool white and daylight). Any closer and they burn. It doesn't look like they'll see the outdoors for another month or so. Should I start fertilizing? Should I snip off the pods for now?  
Delta said:
Well it's a chocolate hab, nothing too exotic. My supers are doing well but I've never grown super hots from seed before so I'm not sure I'll know if the pods are unique. lol
geeme, most of my plants may be ready for ferts I think, with 4 to 8 sets of true leaves and some starting to show pods. The plants are still quite small though, 7 inches being the tallest and the cotys are stubbornly hanging on on many of them. They sit 8 inches below my T8's (cool white and daylight). Any closer and they burn. It doesn't look like they'll see the outdoors for another month or so. Should I start fertilizing? Should I snip off the pods for now?  
Sure just stay away from salty fertilizers. But that is a controversial topic here on THP at times.