Do you ever let doubles grow

Or do you always clip one even if both look healthy?


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Oh yeah. Those are perfectly good looking seedlings. If you have steady hands, you can also pull the doubles or triples when they're very young and still only have the tap root. Just be really gentle. And then, poke a little hole with a skewer or chopstick and just pop it in.
I do it all the time. Thinning peppers is about the hardest thing for me to do, gardening-wise.
My worst nightmare is 100% germination, and you pretty much HAVE TO over seed to be sure of a seedling...
If they're small like that then I sometimes separate them. But often I just leave them to it. In a pot, I find that double grow to about the same size as a single - I'm guessing it's the available root space that determines their ultimate size. I don't really see a difference in pod count for doubles vs singles.
I grew three in the same ten-gallon bag last year and you couldn't even really tell there wasn't just one plant there. That bag looked the same as the other 10s.