pests do you get those, too? (bugs)

down here, they are called "chanchito de tierra" (soil-piggies)


I understand that technically they aint insects, but crustacios ... but I dont care, I hate their guts ...
they are not very articulate (physically that is) ... so is there a way to impede that they climb my pepper plants? ... I was thinking on wrapping a part of the stems of the peppers in something, to create a physical barrier impeding that they climb further ...
any thoughts?
They are called Woodlice in the UK, Sowbugs or Pillbugs in the USA. You are right, they are related to crustaceans. As far as I remember, they eat decaying organic matter, like rotting wood. I don`t think they are usually pests on live plants, unless they are dehydrated and looking for water. I`m not sure if a barrier would get rid of them, but some damp soil away from your plants might
Armadillidiidae AKA Pill bugs, rolly pollies, wood lice . etc.
Also kids can use them as pets.
LOL TOAW - Yes, we routinely found those where I grew up in TX, and my older brother always seemed to have a small collection going.  I've never seen them bother plants, but seem to think I've read somewhere that they can in some circumstances. Sorry, don't remember where I read that, but I do remember being surprised.

LOL TOAW - Yes, we routinely found those where I grew up in TX, and my older brother always seemed to have a small collection going.  I've never seen them bother plants, but seem to think I've read somewhere that they can in some circumstances. Sorry, don't remember where I read that, but I do remember being surprised.
I've got thousands in my garden.  They've never bothered my stuff but I understand in very rare circumstances they can give in to the temptation to nibble your plants.
I'd leave them alone, any chemical warfare you resort to is bound to harm the good guys living in and above your soil.
Rolly pollies, or doodle bugs here. I've never had any experiences with them attacking plants. I've never seen one around my plants. I would let them be.... or play with them and let them crawl around my hand
They get under my flats and pots by the hundreds or thousands.  I haven't noticed any problems with larger plants, but they will eat the leaves off smaller plants.  I had some seedlings completely stripped.  And what pepperdan said, DE is effective.  I sprinkle it on the ground underneath the flats and pots and on the surface of the soil.  That seems to send them away.
Wustenfuchs said:
I've got thousands in my garden.  They've never bothered my stuff but I understand in very rare circumstances they can give in to the temptation to nibble your plants.
I'd leave them alone, any chemical warfare you resort to is bound to harm the good guys living in and above your soil.
From what I've read only threaten seedling. Their jaws are to weak to chew into more mature plants.
geeme said:
LOL TOAW - Yes, we routinely found those where I grew up in TX, and my older brother always seemed to have a small collection going.  I've never seen them bother plants, but seem to think I've read somewhere that they can in some circumstances. Sorry, don't remember where I read that, but I do remember being surprised.

LOL TOAW - Yes, we routinely found those where I grew up in TX, and my older brother always seemed to have a small collection going.  I've never seen them bother plants, but seem to think I've read somewhere that they can in some circumstances. Sorry, don't remember where I read that, but I do remember being surprised.
On you tube  How To Care For A Rollie Pollie ( A.K.A Pill Bugs
i dont mind them outside ... but I have an inhouse (soil) garden, which is rather dry (I just water around plants) and I suspect that they might chew up my younger plants to just get some water ...
thx, Al
Al-from-Chile said:
i dont mind them outside ... but I have an inhouse (soil) garden, which is rather dry (I just water around plants) and I suspect that they might chew up my younger plants to just get some water ...
thx, Al
You could set out a water dish for them like a good pet owner.
Rolly pollies too! They're all over my place. Thanks for asking because i was wondering if they are bad bugs or not. Don't seem to be doing anything so i figured let them be.
If you see any red and tan spiders under your pots along with the pill bugs let them be too.  They live with, and feed exclusively, on pill bugs.