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Do you talk to your plants?

This may seem like a crazy question.. however, at the risk of being canned I'll ask it anyways.. do you talk to your plants??

My little seedlings were looking a bit worse for wear over this weekend so i decided to bite the bullet and just see how they go putting them into normal soil and onto the pool fence (the ultimate upgrade in mels world of chilli plants.. ) anyways, I gave the soil a watering with seasol and fish emulsion and repotted the best looking seedlings into a pot (probably too many for one pot but they can get repotted later on if they survive)...

now, about six hours later they seem to have made a miraculous recovery and i have some healthier looking seedlings and I found myself telling them that they were all doing a good job and to keep it up :D my mum has a massive garden and has always been talking to her plants..

so now i pose the question to you guys... do you talk to your plants or am i the only crazy one!
i dont know if it works, but i found myself inadvertently talking to them tonight! my mum swears by it though!
It's probably the repotting part with the addition of seasol and fish emulsion
that did it for them...i try to supply my plants with some music as well:cool:;)
LOL - i'm not saying the talking pepped them up! it was after i noticed they pepped up that i started talking to them!! might try some music tomorrow though.. maybe some foo fighters :P
I was to drunk to read your entire post:oops:here's some soothing "mozart effect" music to try on your plants:D:rofl:
I was actually thinking about something a bit mellower then the foo fighters but anything will do the trick i guess
I watched one of those scientific "Myth buster" kind of shows that was about talking to plants.

They set up six greenhouses with identical conditions and planted them all with the same plants. 6 people recorded various things to be played to their assigned greenhouse, and there was a silent one as the control. One person said sweet cute encouraging things. One hurled insults and obsenitities. One got Mozart, one easy listening, , i forget all the categories, one got death metal. Most of the plants did about the same- EXCEPT- the one that was in silence, the plants grew much less than all the others (like, by about a foot). and one the plants nearly broke out of the greenhouse they grew so high. The death metal greenhouse.

Hmm, wonder if My son would let me fill up his old iPod with deathmetal for my chilies? we could alternate it with milder stuff- Deo,Twisted Sister, Black Sabbath, Metallica Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains Is there more of the rooster stuff? that was pretty good! I have some old angry german-style(locally produced) punk...13 tapes of it...nah, its probably too mild.
Wow celeste...thanks for that info:cool:i wonder if giving my plants a heavy dose of bolt thrower will
make them hotter as well?(with all the talk about stressing the plants to make 'em hotter and all)
captainpepper said:
i wonder if giving my plants a heavy dose of bolt thrower will
make them hotter as well?(with all the talk about stressing the plants to make 'em hotter and all)

Another Bolt Thrower fan on the site? I think you're onto something. I've been playing a lot of Dimmu Borgir and Deicide lately, so if anything is going to stress them...that should do the trick.

Love the deathmetal rooster too! :)
as you would have guessed Mel, I talk to my plants a bunch...I use the old Cosby line...

I tell them I brought them in this world and I can take them out just as quick if they don't shape up...
I PLay my acoustic guitar for my plants maybe i should get an electric guitar to help speed up the process. but i like them to be relaxed and take theyre time to grow up strong.
Those myth buster guys should've built another greenhouse where
they played some of Hoff's creations next to the death metal stuff
One can only wonder how they would've reacted to such torture...
Celeste said:
I watched one of those scientific "Myth buster" kind of shows that was about talking to plants.

They set up six greenhouses with identical conditions and planted them all with the same plants. 6 people recorded various things to be played to their assigned greenhouse, and there was a silent one as the control. One person said sweet cute encouraging things. One hurled insults and obsenitities. One got Mozart, one easy listening, , i forget all the categories, one got death metal. Most of the plants did about the same- EXCEPT- the one that was in silence, the plants grew much less than all the others (like, by about a foot). and one the plants nearly broke out of the greenhouse they grew so high. The death metal greenhouse.

Hmm, wonder if My son would let me fill up his old iPod with deathmetal for my chilies? we could alternate it with milder stuff- Deo,Twisted Sister, Black Sabbath, Metallica Alice Cooper, Alice in Chains Is there more of the rooster stuff? that was pretty good! I have some old angry german-style(locally produced) punk...13 tapes of it...nah, its probably too mild.

Heres a real death metal list for you...
Job For A Cowboy, Devil Driver, Arch Enemy, Bile, Shadows Fall, Cannibal Corpse, Shattersphere and maybe some Type O Negative? LOL

In all honesty though, I think the sound waves would cause stem/leaf movement, stimulating growth, but then again I have been wrong before.
Just saw it on youtube, i found these legit points from people in there

when talking/ moving your body releases CO2 which plants feed and grow on.. if you have a controlled environment, just being around your plants can increase the co2 level in that area by 500ppm. Sound doesn't do shit

Incorect, heavy vibrations increase stomata activity therefore increasing plant nutrient uptake. back to first year botany for you

talking to plants 1
talking to plants 2
KroelleBoelle said:
heavy vibrations increase stomata activity therefore increasing plant nutrient uptake.

I guess people who live under subway tracks have some massive plants!

Maybe I should start listening to trance music........well, maybe I won't take things that far.
hmmm... looks like i might have to start playing music to the plants and talking to them more often ;)
I talk to my plants too, but its more questioning than anything... why the f**k aren't you growing faster?? lol