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Do your bhut jolokia set pods in their first season?

Do your bhut jolokia set pods in their first season?

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I've noticed a lot of threads lately regarding stubborness of this variety in general.

I just transplanted 10 very healthy looking plants last night, but I couldn't help but tell my dad about the problem some people were having.

Just wanted to get a feeling for what most people experience with these plants.
no problem getting pods as long as you get an early enough start- last year i started them in february and got pods in august. this year i started them at new years and pods are forming now.
They've been my problem child. Plant is getting big enough. Plenty of flowers, they just fall off. I've got 1 pod so far, but about 50 or more dropped flowers. All of my other plants (mostly supers) are doing great. Forgot to mention that I started mine mid December.
Will not know until September -- Started 4 seeds the first week of February - 3 germed - lost 1 early during helmet removal assistance - other 2 are still going - they got caught in a thunderstorm with high winds about a week or so ago (weathermen calling for storms Saturday or Sunday and it rolled through Friday !!) that saw them lose a bunch of leaves but they are recovering - but the temps in the 100's are having the buds burn off before even flowering or developing close to a flower so will have to wait until things cool down a bit to see what happens so probably late August to September before we'll know.
I start mine anywhere from Christmas to Feb 1st. So far they have set every year in the first season. In fact this year my new plants set before my overwinters did. Last year it took 9 months for them to set.
Started in February...late. Will be prime harvest time during september and october...These are the most subborn and finicky plants I have ever seen....I've made post elsewhere about the unique genetic makeup that predisposes these plants to pollen, flower, and pod abort fairly easily.
They grow just like any other C. chinense for me or even better. My first naga plant ever had over 2500 pods the first year but it was started very early

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: !!!

Although thinking about it, that's only 2450 better than mine which is entirely negligible I'm sure... :lol:!!!
There was a plant here in the St. Louis area that I have seen with well over 500 ripe pods on it at once. The canopy was 6 ft wide and it was 5 feet tall. It is all very possible.
This was my first Naga plant and my biggest. It was probably over 7 feet tall when it was tied up but I untied it when it was not getting enough light inside the canopy

naga by potawie, on Flickr
Not sure on this one. This is my first year growing them. I can tell you that it has tripled in size in about 2 weeks with flowers to boot. I have high hopes for this one. It's between the Bhut and the Choco Hab as to which one is bigger. Both are beast, but no pods yet.