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Do your Brain Strains ever have "Primo"-esque tails?

I have one Yellow Brain Strain plant this year, which has produced a first round of pods that were spot on in appearance, taste, and heat. Now the next flush of pods is mid-size, and this week I noticed that at least half of them have stingers. Like, if my Reaper plant produced pods that looked like this, I'd feel like I got closer to what I had expected (in form, anyway). 1st two pics are my new pods, 3rd shows ripe pods from this plant earlier this year.



For those interested, the ones on the left are Billy Boy Red Douglahs. My question is: do others get a similar variation in Brain Strain pods? I've had other varieties switch form on me too, such as my Black Nagas, which were right on the first half of this summer (both plants), and now ALL look like Choc Habs. Let it be said before I open this one up that I'm not complaining, I actually dig the tails for YBS, just surprised by the change.
peppernovice said:
  I haven't had any tails like that on my Yellow 7 pot brains. Those look awesome though. I hope you're saving seeds.
I'll save a few pods' worth of seeds, but just to share. This year I have 22 plants in close quarters outdoors, and have room to raise no more than 16 new plants indoors starting each October. This plant will be overwintered as my one and only YBS.
ecoronel said:
I did on my last years brain strain and you chose wisely the yellow has a better taste (imo)
I agree, I'm a yellow lover when it comes to flavor in general. Can't deny the heat of reds and chocs, but there's more to it than that.