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Dodgy tummy time

Be honest.
Have you ever felt slightly dodgy or been sick from either a chilli or a chilli sauce?

of course! Threw up only one time from eating a whole hab for breakfast after chugging a red bull :rolleyes: i threw up afterwards. I also had a stomach ache after doing a hot wing challenge
Naga's really heat my stomach up and anything with an over the top amount of extract definitely has me curled up in pain within a couple of hours.

of course! Threw up only one time from eating a whole hab for breakfast after chugging a red bull :rolleyes: i threw up afterwards. I also had a stomach ache after doing a hot wing challenge

That sounds like fun but so wrong.
Naga's really heat my stomach up and anything with an over the top amount of extract definitely has me curled up in pain within a couple of hours.

Yeah, I've yet to throw up off of anything chili related, but there have been plenty of times when I've wished that I would just go ahead and do it! :lol:
Yeah, I've yet to throw up off of anything chili related, but there have been plenty of times when I've wished that I would just go ahead and do it! :lol:
Same here... but a friend of mine said he never wants to throw up off chilies again because its worse coming up then going down.
Same here... but a friend of mine said he never wants to throw up off chilies again because its worse coming up then going down.

I can see how that would be true. That's double the burn in your esophagus, stomach acid and capsaicin. So yeah, I bet it's not pleasant.
What a horrible thought !

It's bad enough when they come out the other end.